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JJK Chap 221
Jak kool. Jac plus 1. 
He is nice

Good at cs2

and a gamer. 

good qualities 4 staf
[Image: image.png]Don't take anything I say seriously
(01-17-2024, 10:24 PM)BillyBob Wrote:
(01-17-2024, 02:20 AM)lacer Wrote: After your last stint of being in a toxic clique, publicly victim blaming me for being groomed, being banned for it, doubling down on it, apologizing a year later and then making a staff app shortly after, I don't think you should ever be staff again.
this is classic coming from u

Nice bait

(01-17-2024, 03:08 PM)Noire ♜ Wrote: oh and btw whatchu mean by toxic clique, I'd like you to elaborate
Sure thing! A couple examples I can remember about you guys off of the top of my head: Several people (including at least one former admin) conspiring to get Damien demoted from the staff team, someone (can't remember who otherwise I'd name them) using a photo of my face that I had deleted from the forums several years prior in a meme, you and a few other people hardcore defending Jack for the post that keeps getting referenced in this thread, constantly shit talking anyone and everyone in the community to the point where I've heard at least 3 complaints about it from different people, getting on the server as a group and breaking the rules, BillyBob in particular trying to die on some of the worst hills possible just to defend your guys' opinions (and doing this only because he doesn't like the other person, evidenced above), general circlejerking, etc. 

Other than that, I might have been a bit too harsh when saying I don't think Jack should ever be staff again. I certainly don't control how the admins will vote, the only vote I remember having a significant role in is when Gabe came to me and asked if I was okay with Jack being unbanned from the forums. What I should've said is that I am extremely uncomfortable with the thought of him being on the staff team again after previous events, but if the admin team decides he's a good fit, I'll respect it. 

Also please please PLEASE don't turn this into clique v clique, it's a couple of people expressing their opinions, not the end of the world.
Just a thought from me because I haven't played much recently and don't have a real opinion of you, but I do prefer staff applicants to have a lot more consistent activity before their applications. You have around 27 hours since you have come back which is an alright amount, but that's a relatively small amount of recent hours compared to newer staff applicants.
(01-18-2024, 07:11 AM)PandaInPants Wrote: Just a thought from me because I haven't played much recently and don't have a real opinion of you, but I do prefer staff applicants to have a lot more consistent activity before their applications. You have around 27 hours since you have come back which is an alright amount, but that's a relatively small amount of recent hours compared to newer staff applicants.
This is true and I will still be playing while the staff app is up to gain more hours as well as continue to be active in discord and the forums. This is my application for trusted which I feel is a good opportunity to like the name sake of the role implies show people I can be trusted. If after the period of time my app is up and The staff team/ current community dont feel that way I will gladly just try again the next time I can with all the feedback and advice they give me when I apply again. Untill then I will continue to gain more hours while my app is up. Thanks for the thought panda :D
[Image: 46713d688f8087b1f2d3b92a79d7afea.png]

Future owner  :D
This post is in response to laced's reply to me --- thanks btw. While I do respect a lot of the takes you have, I also have my own recollection of the events as well so they might differ a little bit.
I’d first like to apologize to Jack. This thread should just be a lot of commendation and criticism regarding whether or not you are fit for staffing on the server and sadly, in some places it has devolved to bickering between older members that ultimately drowns out the takes of the new players who are active now. I selfishly goaded this response and selfishly again, I will make my final post entertaining this.
  • Now on to the reply proper, your first point that talks about a conspiracy to get Damien demoted is a bit far-fetched. Now, it’s no secret that a lot of the people within the group that I currently play games with don’t like Damien for some reason or another, of course this would translate into how they would view him as staff, however, outside of making responses on the thread/staff chat there was nothing else past that. If anything, now it is a moot point considering that given our current staff team Damien is probably one of the better ones out there, genuinely. Big ups on you man.
  • Second, the meme. First, haha how ironic. Second, I don’t remember any meme like that, but I’m here one week and gone the next, as temperamental as the weather is right now.
  • Third, yes, I am defending Jack, while also condemning him for what he said to you. Here’s the thing that you and Jack don’t fully understand: Two things can be true at the same time. I am defending Jack, as my friend and obviously biased cause duh, the same way I defended and argued for you when you wanted to join the staff team again.
  • Fourth! The shit talking. Yeah, no shit I’ve already made a thread about this:
    My point still stands. This community is probably still alive because of shit talking and drama. HOWEVER, if people are being hurt by it and have come to complain about it, why not reach out and prevent some of it rather than letting it fester and turn into resentment? I want to right my wrongs to those people that made those complaints, personally.
  • Yep, been there done that. Micspammed jesse stuff last night, had fun. Nothin new for any of us.
  • BillyBob is wild as hell I can’t contain that man; he speaks for the trees man. He isn’t defending my opinion. However, some of his wild ass takes actually have a bit of underlying truth and legitimacy to them. You gotta dig for it though. If anything, I think he’s very similar to you, done wrong by the community that he loved and now he’s trollin a bit.
  • I always jerk the homies off (only sometimes in a circle)

This has never been an issue of the toxic cliques clashing. This has been an ongoing issue for the past two years and has happened mainly off Dinkleberg’s Gmod main servers that is now bleeding into the forums and manifesting as some big thing. Our large group of friends was divided by some of the arguments that you and Dong had and when Jack said what he did, it was the nail in the coffin. The line was drawn in the sand and just by association people were kicked, shunned and blocked. I know that I believe that I am friends with everyone within both groups, just as if it were still the one and I’d love to rekindle a lot of those relationships that were instantly stripped away from because of something that was outside of my control. While, of course, I cannot speak enough about how what Jack said was wrong, no matter how much it hurt you it cannot solely define him, his actions or his friends.
That’s enough of my takes for this thread that again, should have only been whether Jack is fit for the position of trusted. If you or anyone else wanted to reach out to me here’s the olive branch, let’s play some games or you can ask me any questions. My discord DMs are open, hmu.
Thanks for reading (or not) my selfish response,
Jack 4 trusted fuck your forum postin rules bitch this is how we do it in the hood!
[Image: 76561198079899620.png]
Dad Joke Connoisseur
Vinyl & Blu-Ray Collector Man 
A-1 Saxophonist
Challenger Eve, Cass & Singed Player
Ex-TTT & Discord Moderator
I can’t really speak as you are *right now* as I literally just came back from a multi month long hiatus (babs staff now tf???) but I recall back in the day, intentional or not, you came across hot headed. While I understand now that is just how you express yourself, I would suggest making an effort to try and be a bit easier to approach. Not gonna vote but felt some genuine criticism is warranted after whatever the hell this thread became.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
+1 I've played with jack and so far he seems like one of the more normal players on ttt he has a good understanding of the rules and he is chill most of time so i see no problem him getting beginner level staff.
[Image: crimson.gif]

[Image: drKEvv9.png]

While the past is concerning, as someone who has discussed this further in private with Jack, I absolutely do believe that he is truly sorry(not to say that anyone owes him forgiveness at all because of this, people are completely valid in holding him accountable for how he's hurt them, however, it is something I feel that he is sincerely sorry for) and feels genuine remorse for his actions in the past. His willingness to take accountability and reach out(which by the way, I do not believe was done just to put in a staff application) to candidly apologize for everything he's done after all this time instead of coming back and sweeping it under the rug, shows growth and maturity regardless of if he's been forgiven or not in my eyes.

Granted of course, I was not present for the event that is being mentioned here, and I have been rather inactive on the server since his return, so I can not in good faith say that I am 100% certain that his behaviors have fully changed since back then - however, as I've gotten to know Jack more outside of TTT the past few weeks, I can say that I am certain that he's very serious about this and that I haven't seen any of the negatives about him that have been brought up in this thread. He eagerly wants another shot at being a part of the staff team, which he's expressed to me several times, and I feel that he should be given that opportunity. 

And of course, just to reiterate what others have said, people should be allowed to show just how much they've grown from their past, and it shouldn't bar them from being a more serious member of the community(rand...). With the usual response time from Dink, I'm going to assume it'll be a bit longer before anything further is decided on this, which will give him more of the needed time to prove to everyone that he is dedicated to this, make amends, and show that he has truly grown from years ago. I believe that trusted is a great spot for him to start at to further grow within the community. 

Best of luck! :)
Not sure how the admins are making decisions on staff apps as we know have quite a backlog... I have been back for 8~ days, and have not seen anyone complain about how Jack has been on the server, discord, forums. So unless someone can point me to something in the last 30 days since he has returned I do not see how trusted is an issue.

I mean we have people who have been community banned "forever" and come back to become staff. You can disagree with this being a thing, but then we need something of a consistent standard. I missed all of 2023~ of Dinks Drama but it seems like all the classic groups were going at it a year ago. Again if someone wants to clarify for me what makes any of this disqualifying now I would appreciate it (might have missed something digging through old threads). I can pull the exact same arguments given by Admins in other contentious applications that would apply here.
Usually it is something like and this is paraphrase not direct quotes: "the position really doesn't have that much power, if they misstep we can just demote, or they talk about how they have seen the person change and that they should be given a chance.
All of these arguments likely apply the same here especially with the additional time since the app was posted. +1

Last thing: I do wonder what the road map should be for people who have been banned/demoted ect.. for harassment or toxic type issues. I see more and more people who consistently play with no issues on the server who historically have "major beef." I would hope the response when someone comes back (for most people) is excitement as more players especially ones who participate in the greater community is more better. The question should be then is Jack one of these people or is there something that I haven't seen that qualifies him among "those that shall not be named".
Right now the process is to be friends/make friends with someone on the admin team who can pull for you. Maybe admin responses to apps is enough maybe note im open to ideas here.

On a side note
I do think it is a bit frustrating that anyone who has made apps recently if denied will have waited to long to finally get a response then possibly have a "apply again in another month." Likely very demoralizing. I guess we are in a weird place with only 1 real admin currently but these staff apps are really stacking up.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
(01-27-2024, 03:15 AM)TDawg4 Wrote: I guess we are in a weird place with only 1 real admin currently but these staff apps are really stacking up.
blame dinkleberg
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

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