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We are not going uphill
I gave myself time to stay neutral about this however it needs to be said "were not going forward serverwise"I have been on this server for a while and while I understand servers are everchanging I feel that I for one don't have a freedom to express how I feel anymore. Add ontop of that I am sick of the secretive things going on in admin chat. I will say how I feel since no one else will. "I have not been the most outstanding player, nor did I have a desire". I came to this server in 2016 wanting a community that was open to the community and as of now they have become as secretive as the FBI. I have lost my will to play its a hard to even think of leaving but I would rather it be on this not than a very biased bad note. You may see me around but I have however found a community that thrives and respects others opinions. Much love take care. Mind you I was encouraged to speak by more than one person about this. Regardless of how you agree or disagree staff discretion is not a fair fight by any means.
[Image: its-vodka-vodka.gif]
You're being gangstalked by the admins now?
I am mildly confused as to what brought this up.
[Image: oWCbLWL.png]
[Image: 916B279E-A4FE-4A24-A3B3-713D11412790.jpg...78e100367&]
It's kind of stupid to say you don't wanna leave on a bad note while also kinda shit talking the people that run the community. The reason staff chat is so secretive is because of the countless trolls and dumbasses that have run amuck within this community for almost a literal decade. Not to make false comparisons or whatever but you don't get to hear every conversation between white house staff so it's kinda silly to expect it from a garry's mod server. You're allowed to express your opinions as long as those opinions aren't bigoted or offending multiple individuals. If you want to be a racist or a transphobe or any kind of bigot (Not saying you are one, just making a general statement) then be one in your own private place. Dinkleberg's is not a safe space for bigoted people. Progressiveness is good and I feel like we're actually moving forward pretty well community wise. We don't have staff members making openly transphobic and anti-lgbtq comments in staff chat or have people getting discord warns from someone telling their friend to jokingly kill themselves in-game. Communities in general take time to progress as a whole and I think we're doing pretty good on that front in the current climate.

Sorry for my yappathon, good luck with your new community mr waffle.
what does this even mean
[Image: ElF1wvm.png]
[Image: Ou4SQyk.jpeg]
(01-19-2024, 06:47 PM)Damien Wrote: It's kind of stupid to say you don't wanna leave on a bad note while also kinda shit talking the people that run the community. The reason staff chat is so secretive is because of the countless trolls and dumbasses that have run amuck within this community for almost a literal decade. Not to make false comparisons or whatever but you don't get to hear every conversation between white house staff so it's kinda silly to expect it from a garry's mod server. You're allowed to express your opinions as long as those opinions aren't bigoted or offending multiple individuals. If you want to be a racist or a transphobe or any kind of bigot (Not saying you are one, just making a general statement) then be one in your own private place. Dinkleberg's is not a safe space for bigoted people. Progressiveness is good and I feel like we're actually moving forward pretty well community wise. We don't have staff members making openly transphobic and anti-lgbtq comments in staff chat or have people getting discord warns from someone telling their friend to jokingly kill themselves in-game. Communities in general take time to progress as a whole and I think we're doing pretty good on that front in the current climate.

Sorry for my yappathon, good luck with your new community mr waffle.
joe biden is a dinkleberg admin
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(01-19-2024, 06:46 PM)chibill Wrote: I am mildly confused as to what brought this up.
Apparently banned on Discord?
How many times do you need to be allowed to be a bigot and seriously threaten the comfort of fellow members for you to finally feel like you've been able to express yourself? ?

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.