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JJK Chap 221
(01-27-2024, 03:15 AM)TDawg4 Wrote: I mean we have people who have been community banned "forever" and come back to become staff.
This is because people change and are able to prove it on the server. Coming back after a year+ of inactivity, the only thing people remember him for is what he said that got him banned from the forums. Not to mention I've heard plenty of complaints of him trolling and being a nuisance when certain staff aren't online. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but considering he does have a very recent slur baiting warn, I'm more inclined to believe it than not.
(01-27-2024, 03:43 AM)lacer Wrote:
(01-27-2024, 03:15 AM)TDawg4 Wrote: I mean we have people who have been community banned "forever" and come back to become staff.
This is because people change and are able to prove it on the server. Coming back after a year+ of inactivity, the only thing people remember him for is what he said that got him banned from the forums. Not to mention I've heard plenty of complaints of him trolling and being a nuisance when certain staff aren't online. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but considering he does have a very recent slur baiting warn, I'm more inclined to believe it than not.
"This is because people change and are able to prove it on the server. Coming back after a year+ of inactivity, the only thing people remember him for is what he said that got him banned from the forums"
I think this is a really good point; someone being away makes away makes any possible change not visible, and on top of that people will remember the last thing you did.
What kind of timeline would you look for someone to prove themselves different? How many months of "good behavior" proves a real change. 

I asked Jack about the slur warn, and from what I can tell he made a bind of what someone said that day who were not warned, and to my knowledge he removed the bind/has not done it again in the 16 days since. Also the slur bait was the name of a player who was not told to change their name. Most people I see that are trolls or are slur baiting cannot help themselves and quickly runup against their warn limit and then tone it down. 

"I've heard plenty of complaints of him trolling and being a nuisance when certain staff aren't online." 
I would actually love to hear more about this. I think this sort of thing would change me to a -1 if he is acting like some of the other "trolls." Tbh the mic spam taunting staff from some of the people I play games with super bothers me and that sort of stuff is the opposite I would expect from someone who wants to be good staff. (I recognise they don't want to do that)

The hard part of providing a Timeline for someone is that they could fake it until they reached the end. Not really sure what to do about this, and at this point i pretty much take people at face value as long as their actions back it up. 

If someone who wronged me wanted to be more responsible and take a staff role I would expect them to apologise to me. Honestly, waiting another month to appear more "genuine" seems more manipulative than just being upfront about all of it. Not really sure what the right way to feel about this is. Seems like a lose lose for the person who was wronged.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
Usually i refrain from commenting more than once but for the most time I'm on which is really a lot lately I can't say I've seen jack troll , most of the time he is having fun and playing normally and tbh as of late he has become more serious, he talks and helps people with what he can and explains to new players any questions, i would gladly eat my words if I'm wrong but accusations without any evidence is just empty words that can end up hurting someone's reputation.
[Image: crimson.gif]

[Image: drKEvv9.png]
+1 Active, been in this community for ages, a real G
[Image: QrOFTLS.jpeg]
The issue with J@ck clearly stems from something he did in his past, and whether or not it's too insurmountable.

As someone who would consider myself friends with him, I'd like to say that he has made progress in not acting out in that way. He and I aren't necessarily close, but we do talk to each other pretty routinely.

I mean, look at someone like tiefling for example. Tiefling, iirc, was quite an annoying troll when she was first on this server and now is one of the three admins on the server. This is not a jab at tiefling, but the point is that she made a change and decided to want to contribute. There are several cases of people who did things like this. My point is people can see the error of their ways and change something. You won't ever be able to recognize that though if you never give someone a chance to prove themselves.

I can get where Lacer is coming from with not being comfortable with it since he was the target of Jack's incident when that occurred. I also think that trying to define someone from one major mistake isn't fair to that person. I also understand where people like TDawg say with how it's demoralizing to have to wait forever for an app because of the "limbo" state the server's top brass is in currently (no disrespect, just true).

I also agree with Battons. Jack, I think you've made progress with this, but I still sometimes believe you can come across as a "hothead" although I've known you long enough to just know that you're blunt. I think it's not the matter of what you say, but rather how you deliver it, if that makes any sense.

My thoughts on the matter? I legitimately believe that Jack can do a good job as trusted. He has been in a position of power before, he handled it well then, all the "falling out" stuff happened after. He's made efforts to be a positive member of this community not only on TTT but also on Discord and on the Forums. I also don't think he's just doing it as an "act" to get power again, he's being sincere. 

+1. Best of luck to you Jack, and if you don't get it this time, I think you'll be able to prove to others that you've changed with a second one, if you decide to reapply.
I am
The slur bait warning isn’t justified (was explained above) and he has no trolling or nuisance warnings. He’s on all the time with a ton of staff members, so I imagine he would’ve been punished.!Those complaints have 0 backing and the character attacking is a mute point
Hi, as someone who's pretty much been on 90% of the time jack has been on recently, he's trolled far less (near zero) than people who have successfully obtained staff in the past while actively "trolling" a lot. Just being objective about it. he does pretty much nothing but play or stand there, like half of the regulars.
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
+1 of course :D 

people deserve second chances!! despite whatever has happened in the past, i still believe you will make a great staff member. if/when you become trusted you can always build yourself back up and thats no problemo at all :) i've always had a fun time playing with you whenever you're on.
I can definitely agree on some of the points that others on this post have made, but I think I can say +1. I'm aware of what had happened on both sides of the drama that took place last year, and while what Jack said was DEFINITELY wrong; I think he has shown a lot of change, and can at least get trusted and use that time to further show his change and growth. He and I even had our own petty drama last year, and things were said, but after things settled, I could see Jack make a genuine effort to change his attitude and behavior. I won't say Jack is perfect, but definitely able to obtain Trusted. Good luck Jack +1
Enough time has passed since starting this application that I can offer my support as a +1 now. Most concerns I've had are outdated and I think it's time to give jack another go.

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