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this is damning....
Offender's Name: JEFFREYonPC , ArchaicLion

Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:74021869 , STEAM_0:0:64862989

Potential Witnesses: Slim, proper, rand

Reason to Ban: ghosting for both, pedo jokes for Jeffrey

Proof: - the joke (which he repeated twice) - admitting they're in discord together

i had just run up the stairs and was catching my breath LOL sorry about my loud ass breathing

TheRock (traitor) hadn't done anything yet that round when Jeffrey began to kill him-

Shows Slim (traitor) hadn't shot in almost a minute when Jeffrey claims he 'saw him shooting' and kills him. Also shows ArchaicLion was T-

Shows that they're friends-

Not sure if this is enough evidence for the ghosting, I gathered everything I could think of. But the evidence for the joke is right there lol. I know one pedo joke is only 8 points/not ban worthy so take this as a warn request if the ghosting evidence isnt sufficient. Thanks <3
[Image: kirby.gif]
+1 I was on the wrong side of this
I don't think this got taken care of yet so here's a bump uwu
the appropriate warns have been issued
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

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