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Brahma Hate thread
(06-09-2024, 10:51 PM)PandaInPants Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 10:45 PM)chapman Wrote: My apologies. Wasn't fully aware of that.

Not ur fault.
Now can we go back to calling out my actual bad things, I can help a little: dumb times ive been aggressive not the time i used fucking neanderthal, favoritism, getting too high to pay attention, using an iron fist instead of giving chances, not catching things early or checking up on players enough, community involvement, not explaining my thought process on punishments to players who need explanation, deescelation with trolls or people im fed up with for constantly breaking rules or constsntly being weird/ messing with my  friends, marking my sarcasm effectively, etc
A question from the response you have here- this is for a hypothetical situation. As staff, if one of your friends was being weird or messing with someone who isn’t your friend and the way they are doing so violates rules, would you be willing to put your foot down against your friend if it’s what was necessary to de-escalate a situation and enforce the rules?
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
My take on this has not really changed even with all of the posts. Personally, if I had been asked about @RyanHighman s unresigniation I would have pushed for trusted. Personally, I think the timing as well as his engagement with the community is what pushed the admins to just do a full reinstatement but I don't have any insight to the decision process. I agree with the people that support a set process for unresignations and also agree that it probably should not apply to this application. There are a few cases of people truely unresigning at higher ranks, but I think all of those directly involved Dink.

Maybe the right policy would be to drop the person a rank down but still have the full time window before the next application.

Directly to you Panda, I think that to my surprise part of what brother roach said fits pretty well. There is an aspect of community trust that was lost (at least for the people who don't interact with you outside of server/disc). I think you have made pretty clear that you had major issues with how staff was handling a variety of things, and you felt you couldn't say what you wanted to within the role. "As I had resigned I felt more freedom to not have to calm down situations and say what i felt." I think a lot of the people who resigned during the time felt this way; this is probably too broad of a brush, but when you resigned, somewhat in protest (imo), and have a genuine issue with staff members of the community are going to have questions about what has tangibly changed since. I mean just two months ago you described an admin as the "master dismisser of misogyny." I don't know how the entire staff culture would have changed in that time.
Not leaking staff chat but when we had that discussion before you resigned I do think you had strong points and I think in principle pretty much all the staff are in agreement on most things. Application is where things get difficult and issues crop up.

+1 for trusted because I DO think you are a positive presence on server and generally as staff.
I am -1 for Mod.

You can dm me if you want anything fleshed out more or just reply in here.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
(06-09-2024, 11:12 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: A question from the response you have here- this is for a hypothetical situation. As staff, if one of your friends was being weird or messing with someone who isn’t your friend and the way they are doing so violates rules, would you be willing to put your foot down against your friend if it’s what was necessary to de-escalate a situation and enforce the rules?

This is something I have wanted to be better at doing as I typically have added leeway (in my head) to people if they show good qualities or help the server and then have to push back against them as they get more comfortable pushing these line and have had to learn to stop giving leeway to people because of it. I also am lucky to surround myself *mostly with people who are not doing weird things or breaking rules. I have regretted times like when guts was around I would give them too many chances because I thought they were kinda funny, or with someone like grasse I tried to give them excuses for a bit because they helped me a few times with trolls and cheaters. I have also acted on a situation specifically against Damien when he and a group were saying and doing things that were trolly for a few days.

@TDawg4 to not flood with lots of separate posts, when I first resigned it was genuinely I had gotten tired of a lot of the talking and we had a lot of staff who I thought could handle everything so I thought I could resign and play as a player without issue and things could be handled easily. Again I thought I wanted a long gmod break, but I forgot I like to use gmod as a vibe and chat tool. It just kinda lined up that a lot of other people resigned and more drama came. Not enough has changed really for me to think the staffing culture has improved significantly, not flaming those of the current staff team I trust, but I just think you guys need help. I have seen a lot more people talk about issues with things happening and summer did start with more weirdos hopping on and being really gross and crossing some serious lines that the current staff team has not been keeping up with or is not on enough to deal with. The main reason I asked for mod in this post is because trusted can't really do shit against anyone. anyone can rejoin after a kick and it makes staffing a lot more complicated because you have to sit and just spam kick/gag/mute them until someone can get on to help which playing late nights does not happen very often and I was a young whippersnapper of trusted and tmod for a long time.

idk if I ever said much, but I was originally not planning to go above trusted I didn't want ANY responsibility besides reports really cause I liked the menus. Its my want to for people to be able to simply enjoy themselves that makes me put in more work.
(06-09-2024, 11:25 PM)PandaInPants Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 11:12 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: A question from the response you have here- this is for a hypothetical situation. As staff, if one of your friends was being weird or messing with someone who isn’t your friend and the way they are doing so violates rules, would you be willing to put your foot down against your friend if it’s what was necessary to de-escalate a situation and enforce the rules?

This is something I have wanted to be better at doing as I typically have added leeway (in my head) to people if they show good qualities or help the server and then have to push back against them as they get more comfortable pushing these line and have had to learn to stop giving leeway to people because of it. I also am lucky to surround myself *mostly with people who are not doing weird things or breaking rules. I have regretted times like when guts was around I would give them too many chances because I thought they were kinda funny, or with someone like grasse I tried to give them excuses for a bit because they helped me a few times with trolls and cheaters. I have also acted on a situation specifically against Damien when he and a group were saying and doing things that were trolly for a few days.
I will +1 for trusted based on this response. I do believe that the ability to do so is something that has been lacking in the community overall so a chance to possibly prove you can do that is something I’ll support here.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
(06-09-2024, 11:25 PM)PandaInPants Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 11:12 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: A question from the response you have here- this is for a hypothetical situation. As staff, if one of your friends was being weird or messing with someone who isn’t your friend and the way they are doing so violates rules, would you be willing to put your foot down against your friend if it’s what was necessary to de-escalate a situation and enforce the rules?

This is something I have wanted to be better at doing as I typically have added leeway (in my head) to people if they show good qualities or help the server and then have to push back against them as they get more comfortable pushing these line and have had to learn to stop giving leeway to people because of it. I also am lucky to surround myself *mostly with people who are not doing weird things or breaking rules. I have regretted times like when guts was around I would give them too many chances because I thought they were kinda funny, or with someone like grasse I tried to give them excuses for a bit because they helped me a few times with trolls and cheaters. I have also acted on a situation specifically against Damien when he and a group were saying and doing things that were trolly for a few days.

@TDawg4 to not flood with lots of separate posts, when I first resigned it was genuinely I had gotten tired of a lot of the talking and we had a lot of staff who I thought could handle everything so I thought I could resign and play as a player without issue and things could be handled easily. Again I thought I wanted a long gmod break, but I forgot I like to use gmod as a vibe and chat tool. It just kinda lined up that a lot of other people resigned and more drama came. Not enough has changed really for me to think the staffing culture has improved significantly, not flaming those of the current staff team I trust, but I just think you guys need help. I have seen a lot more people talk about issues with things happening and summer did start with more weirdos hopping on and being really gross and crossing some serious lines that the current staff team has not been keeping up with or is not on enough to deal with. The main reason I asked for mod in this post is because trusted can't really do shit against anyone. anyone can rejoin after a kick and it makes staffing a lot more complicated because you have to sit and just spam kick/gag/mute them until someone can get on to help which playing late nights does not happen very often and I was a young whippersnapper of trusted and tmod for a long time.

idk if I ever said much, but I was originally not planning to go above trusted I didn't want ANY responsibility besides reports really cause I liked the menus. Its my want to for people to be able to simply enjoy themselves that makes me put in more work.
Most of this feels pretty valid to me. I guess I am biased now, but I was tmod for a longggggg time. I pretty rarely got the opportunity to karma ban as any person unhinged enough left after a gag/mute and a slay or two. I do agree that we need more active playing staff at least for reports. This is some part of why I am supportive of you for trusted.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
A lot of people have said what I was going to say, but I will try to bring a new viewpoint (and try to keep this short, which never happens).

As someone who had their rank (rightfully) stripped from them due to inactivity, and had to regain the trust of the community and work my way from Donor+ to Trusted to TMod to Mod, I don't want anyone resigning and then getting their rank back after asking, especially a Moderator resigning and asking for their Moderator rank back after a few months. And the way you went about it in the original post is just outrageous, joke or not. "gimme mod back" "I have a level head like 73% of the time" Absolutely frick-frackin' not. How about you humbly ask for your rank back because it was you who abdicated it in the first place. And maybe it is because I have robotic tendencies (a lot of people have called me a robot in my personal life, or apathetic like Squidward), but I don't care. The gall for anyone to not ask for, but demand their rank back after relinquishing it is a hysterically terrible look.

Additionally, you wanted to take a break from staffing because I (presume) you were burned out. But after a few months break, you're reinvigorated and ready to jump back into the saddle? Why is that? Don't you think that you'll be quickly burned out again because of the lack of staff that is on and a culture of staff that you don't think is up to snuff? As you said, "Not enough has changed really for me to think the staffing culture has improved significantly..." Is this something you want to jump back into?

TL;DR: anyone who resigns should not be allowed to be reinstated at the rank they were at when they resigned. There is a BIG difference between being inactive and saying that you no longer want your rank.

-1 for Mod. +1 for Trusted.
(06-10-2024, 12:38 PM)EpicGuy Wrote: And the way you went about it in the original post is just outrageous, joke or not. "gimme mod back" "I have a level head like 73% of the time"  Absolutely frick-frackin' not. How about you humbly ask for your rank back because it was you who abdicated it in the first place. And maybe it is because I have robotic tendencies (a lot of people have called me a robot in my personal life, or apathetic like Squidward), but I don't care. The gall for anyone to not ask for, but demand their rank back after relinquishing it is a hysterically terrible look.
 Just to remind people I am friends with brahma when i named this brahma hate thread. I make jokes and im sarcastic. I dont care if i get mod back or if im put down to trusted. I leave that to the admins. But im not demanding the role. Sorry for the confusion. I forget that a large amount of the forums is not part of the ttt community that I interact with and does not understand my jokes or attempts to be facetious.

This is a volunteer free labor position btw. Just to remind you. This is not me quitting a real job where I was paid a salary and then asking to come back because i miss the pay. This is i felt comfortable not volunteering for a while and now I want to volunteer again so I am not going to plead/beg/grovel for a role.

I have answered your 2nd paragraph multiple times idk how else you guys want me to respond? I didnt want to staff, i wanted a break, i dont like the culture, but i still play and deal with the shitty server culture anyway so I want to be able to help rather than just sit and take random abuse when no one can get on. I don't have a vendetta I just have played a lot recently with lots of annoying trolls on. Others in this situation are told "apply for staff" and thats what im doing.
(06-10-2024, 12:50 PM)PandaInPants Wrote: This is a volunteer free labor position btw. Just to remind you. This is not me quitting a real job where I was paid a salary and then asking to come back because i miss the pay. This is i felt comfortable not volunteering for a while and now I want to volunteer again so I am not going to plead/beg/grovel for a role.
Not just for you specifically Panda but for everyone saying this or something along these lines, I think it's an immensely poor argument. It goes without saying that this is a volunteer position, I don't think anybody has called that into question... ever. People being opposed to unresignations has nothing to do with whether this is a paid role or not, and more to do with generally trusting somebody to take on the responsibility and power involved with the position.

Saying things like "I'm not getting paid for this" or "this is just a Gmod server what's the big deal" are obvious and can go without being said (in particular if said snarkily as this was), and needlessly undermine people's actual legitimate concerns. Nobody is questioning the pay scale for being a moderator, this is a literal strawman.
(06-10-2024, 01:56 PM)Ryan722 Wrote:
(06-10-2024, 12:50 PM)PandaInPants Wrote: This is a volunteer free labor position btw. Just to remind you. This is not me quitting a real job where I was paid a salary and then asking to come back because i miss the pay. This is i felt comfortable not volunteering for a while and now I want to volunteer again so I am not going to plead/beg/grovel for a role.
Not just for you specifically Panda but for everyone saying this or something along these lines, I think it's an immensely poor argument. It goes without saying that this is a volunteer position, I don't think anybody has called that into question... ever. People being opposed to unresignations has nothing to do with whether this is a paid role or not, and more to do with generally trusting somebody to take on the responsibility and power involved with the position.

Saying things like "I'm not getting paid for this" or "this is just a Gmod server what's the big deal" are obvious and can go without being said (in particular if said snarkily as this was), and needlessly undermine people's actual legitimate concerns. Nobody is questioning the pay scale for being a moderator, this is a literal strawman.

My point was that im not going to beg to return to a volunteered position. I used the this comparison because in the few times I have interacted with Epic Guy I have found he uses company like comparisons. Also idk how you guys are interpreting my tone in these responses? Maybe because its text you guys think i am making fun of you or being specifically rude?

I do not like your response to Bryan. Seems like you are dismissing the issues brought up and claiming at its okay because "well they were my friend so i have a right to defend then". Also, the constant reply to every negative response gives me heavy tiefling vibes with how her applications were received. : )
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