
Steam I.D.: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199146592212/

WHO BANNED YOU: Warn threshhold/ Tdawg

Reason for ban: Player gayelimanator had built up a large amount of warn points for slurs/rdm/etc and tdawg was putting the nail into the coffin when he asked for a "slur pass" sarcastically i responded "sure buddy you can have 1," unfortunately the dropped an f bomb before i could finish the joke so to stop the shenanigan's tdawg gagged us both and i was given a 3 point for slur bating. 

Length of ban: 72 hour

Reason for admins to unban: Actually i don't want the unban, i would rather the point to be taken off my warn threshhold so as to not incur other warns for incidents such as this. Sarcasm is hard to show and i guess my com-up-pence would be the 72 hours ban to show i am serious about this community. i already have permanent warn points that cant come off and this would hurt my chances of playing on the server. 

If the situation is as you describe and not altered to paint your actions in a more positive light, I would argue that gayelimanator would have said it anyways regardless of your comment. Just in his IGN alone it screams fuck around and find out. The staff guidelines read slur baiting as cutting off your mic before completing the word, or baiting others. But for baiting others it reads more that you would be tricking them into doing it. I don't think you tricked this guy, he's just an ass.
I do agree with Snow's argument.
That being said, your permanent warns may be appealable - they just don't expire automatically. May want to consider it in a while (not immediately after a fresh warn, but maybe later this year).

And yes you need to tone it down lol
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord: discord.gg/dinks
Im gonna share a summary of what I put in the staff side of things:

-1 because of Goose’s history, but +1 for the actual incident. It seems like this guy was already slurring and was probably going to continue slurring even if Goose didn’t make the joke. I don’t think he fed into or caused the guy to slur.

Relevant rule quote: "...This includes baiting others into saying slurs or any other language not tolerated on Dinks, as well saying partial slurs or things that imply the usage of a slur..."

There is an argument to be made that goose didn’t bait them into saying slurs since it seemed that it was the person’s intention all along. The slurrer wasn’t “tricked” or “baited” into it. While Goose's joke could definitely be considered slur baiting in most other contexts, I dont know if this completely rises to that level here. I say this because I think it is a fair assumption that if you take the joke out of the equation, the slur would have still been said.

Overall +0 for removal of the warn. You did contribute to the chaos, even if just a bit. I dont disagree with the warn being handed out, but am neutral to its removal via this appeal.

Edit: Changing to a +1 after reading my own post again. If I can argue that the rule wasn’t broken, then history is irrelevant.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
this is like the mildest case of slur baiting I've ever seen and if this was really the only thing that happened yall crazy for a 3 day ban lol
(08-26-2024, 04:18 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: this is like the mildest case of slur baiting I've ever seen and if this was really the only thing that happened yall crazy for a 3 day ban lol

Goose was banned for 3 days because of the threshold he hit not because of the slur bait that happen it's only a 6 point warn which isn't even enough for a day ban by itself.
[Image: crimson.gif]

[Image: drKEvv9.png]
Once you are on the staff's radar as an undesirable, it's an incredibly difficult position to leave. Unfortunately, this opens the door for abuses to go unpunished as certain elements are willing to jump through great hoops (lying, gaslighting, stretching the truth) to push through warns and bans against you without even breaking the rules, such as in this specific case of obvious, choreographed irony (that doesn't meet the criteria for slur-baiting as written, by the way).
Personally, I +1 an unban and warn removal, and would like to see a heel-turn from these sorts of frivolous targeted punishments. I don't think you should be ashamed to ask for an unban, this is a case where you definitely deserve it.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]
Honestly dude, I’d just stick to playing on a better server. This place is similar to Gywn from Dark Souls; a hollowed version of what it used to be, a shell of its self. Literally most of us just linger to try and irritate the people we view as undesirables that have power because it’s easy entertainment, but it isn’t worth it.

+1 for a removal of the points at the minimum.
da goose!! I agree with most of what Ryan said. I think the warn does have validity but I also think it can be argued either way and am +1 to have it taken off, on the basis of A I believe he would've slurred either way and B you've been staying out of trouble recently and have been a positive presence on the server. free da goose!!
[Image: kirby.gif]
froose +1
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)

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