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trusted app
Use the format below when applying for staff. Fill all fields to the best of your ability.

Left alignment only, do not use center or right align in the application.

Ingame Name: post monalisa

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42963068
Discord Tag: post monalisa 

Time Played: 138 hours

When First Joined: since 2022

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): night

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: help the other trusted deal with the RDM

Why you want to help the community: i think it would be fun to be staff 

Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warn points? (Link Relevant Posts): i dont think ive been banned, i may have been warned 

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): i dont think so 

How did you find us?: naturally found it on the server browser 

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): yes 

Other: i would like to take thiss chance to apologize 

Make sure you use this format.
Good Luck!
Going to have to -1 for now. To be fair I've only seen you in game a few times so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on something here.

1. Lack of effort in the application. Everything is answered in one sentence and would definitely like to see more expansive responses to some of the questions.
2. 138 hours in two years seems like a pretty small amount of hours and your overall involvement in the community is pretty minor.
3. No microphone. While we have several staff members that don't use mics, I feel that those players need to be pretty exceptional and involved in the community to be considered for a staff position.
4. The few times I saw you I got the impression that other players mostly know you for RDMing. While I wasn't affected I heard several instances of players instantly assuming that you're "RDMing again". While I'm very lenient towards RDMing as long as it doesn't ruin the experience for other players I would need more context before I'd consider +1 this.

Good luck on your application!
[Image: QrOFTLS.jpeg]
I havent witnessed the RDM concern l, but I echo the points Crackbone brought up.
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
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Im going to -1 for similar reasons as Crackbone and Jammin, but with my own twist. I do not believe you need to have a mic to be staff even if you arent overly involved in other areas of the community. You should, however, be able to communicate and be a positive influence on the atmosphere through in-game text chat. Other than that, the lack of effort in this app coupled with the fact that I havent had the chance to play with you dont make you stand out as a good applicant.

All of this can change though. Feel free to edit your application and put more than one sentence answers in for the "what you can do" and "why do you want to help" questions. Im not a heavy -1, but at the same time you just havent given me any reason to believe you would be good in this position.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
(12-05-2024, 03:50 PM)CrAcKbOnE Wrote: Going to have to -1 for now. To be fair I've only seen you in game a few times so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on something here.

1. Lack of effort in the application. Everything is answered in one sentence and would definitely like to see more expansive responses to some of the questions.
2. 138 hours in two years seems like a pretty small amount of hours and your overall involvement in the community is pretty minor.
3. No microphone. While we have several staff members that don't use mics, I feel that those players need to be pretty exceptional and involved in the community to be considered for a staff position.
4. The few times I saw you I got the impression that other players mostly know you for RDMing. While I wasn't affected I heard several instances of players instantly assuming that you're "RDMing again". While I'm very lenient towards RDMing as long as it doesn't ruin the experience for other players I would need more context before I'd consider +1 this.

Good luck on your application!
thank you. i try my best not to rdm anymore and ill be using my microphone more often
I'm going to say -1 for right now, since lack of effort in application. As well as not being super active on the server.
According to Gametracker, you have 300+ hours.

Edit: Something I forgot to mention, the timezone thing is just "night" expand mofo.
[Image: bH0KCfU.jpg]
Use the format below when applying for staff. Fill all fields to the best of your ability.
Left alignment only, do not use center or right align in the application.

-1 bro, at least cut that bit out
[Image: 64he44D.png]  
At this time the admin team has denied this application. We would like to see a bit more effort put into the application as well as scenario answers. Also being a bit more active/present on the server would help overall.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

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