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R.I.P. Snooty
On July 23, 2017, Snooty, the Guinness World Record holder for longest living manatee, died at 69 years old. Snooty's death occurred just two days after his birthday and one day after his birthday party. Snooty was the trophy of my hometown Bradenton, a town in Florida, which really has nothing else fucking special about it besides being the heroin overdose capital of the state. Not kidding.

But Snooty, born in captivity, was the embodiment of the purity and innocence left in our town.
He was the Lil Sebastian of Bradenton.

My girlfriend and I were just glad we got to see him one more time.

Here's my Sncapchat story from the birthday party. Not interesting but it's got video of my blubbery baby boy.

Rest well Snootser.


[Image: b52c2645-0395-4e69-9f64-f605a831aee0-lar...7267_n.png]
RIP Snooty.
[Image: f2e.jpg_large]
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Rip to ma nigga Snooty.
I born and raised near where snooty lived, loved to see him and hate to see him go :(
rip my boi snootles we go way back in college we fucked tons of manatee puss
[Image: wXT38jo.gif]
RIP Snooty. It's especially sad to read that he could have lived longer if it hadn't been for human error
ripperinos my dude

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