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Goodbye - Mari
This is my official goodbye thread.

I started out playing dinks on December 29, 2016, under the name of marillet, I quickly started to enjoy the server. Derpy became a role model to me. Back then I was a lot nicer than I am now, and a lot more sensitive, someone called me names and i would whine to staff about it. I started getting a lot better the more I played though, now if someone sexually harasses me or something I just sorta, don't care. Eventually I decided "hey, I want to become staff." and a lot of people supported me. Those comments on my staff app I will never forget, I keep a notepad of them on my desktop. I only played for a month, and even rippe +1ed me. That made me really happy. Eventually I managed to work my way up to Test mod. Later I made my own community for dark rp cause dinks didn't have a dark rp server and I wanted the people that have been banned and the people who aren't banned to be able to play games together. It was a lot of fun meeting all those new people, but dinks didn't really mix with them and i ended up choosing them over dinks... I just wanted everyone to get along, making rits admin was a terrible mistake, and cost me quite a bit and she was really abusive as well. I lost a lot of friends from doing that, me and moderate used to be pretty close, but making a server destroyed that. I remember when we used to play minecraft together just me and him, and i'd be doing survival stuff and hed be lowkey cheating to make blimps / make hurricanes. I regret losing him as a friend... Everyone who has been there for me whos supported me, regardless of if you no longer do, thank you.

Scoovie, you're really nice and I could never dislike you, you're like an uncle to me.
Christian, pshhh, never responded to my messages, but prolly cause I made him uncomfortable with how clingy I can get. Despite that though, christian was the nicest person i've ever met on ttt, he was also very fair / kind, and was like a big brother to me.
Derpy, I love derpy, she was was like a big sister to me <3.
Burrito, I know you probably resent me and feel like I left to make a server, but that was never my intention even if it did come off that way... i'm sorry...
Queef, I loved those times when a bunch of us would get together to play jack in the box, and you helped me make a website, and I couldn't have done that without you.
Obi, You were really kind to me and I got pubg working now, so next time we try playing together it'll actually work.
Lily, You were really sweet even in the end, and would always back me up.
Rippe, idc what anyone says, I think rippe was a really cool person, and still is, yeah he's made mistakes, but hes always had faith in me. "Mr_Rippe: You're honestly one of the best staff we have on. I'm afraid of you talking to Rits or Mushroomz or even Dralga and you getting turned against this server."
Dakody, you were incredibly nice to me as well. You even offered to make me a logo, that was a really nice thing to offer, and you were on my side quite a bit too.
Turner, sorry for all those times i attacked you...
Foxka, youre toxic, but youre a terrific staff member.
Seaburns, We've definitely fought a few times and were on ends, but you were nice to me after everything was over.
Hoodie, I'll never believe you've hacked.
Tdawg, You're loyalty towards something is incredible, and very appreciative.
Avi, Sweet as candy, one of the nicest people I've ever met.
Arbok, I think you shouldve kept testmod.
Minime, I loved playing gmod whenever you were on, it was always so enjoyable.
Shwaggins, Hands down most mature person i've ever met online. Looks at everything from a point of view not many people do, and never gets too heated. Not to mention he's also really kind to people / the players, and shouldve gotten staff sooner lol.
Tons, #tonsfortrusted2016
Stalewater, you know, he may have been a troll before, but he's changed quite a bit, and would make an absolutely terrific staff.
Blackcat, you've been a fun person to play with, im surprised you have as many -1s as you do, ofc most of them are just memes.
Ash, he really wasn't that bad, all he did was spam queue the same song and could get a bit toxic, but can't everyone? He was a great staff regardless, and he'd always help me when I needed him to. 
Bman, You've changed a lot since you've first lost t-mod, you've definitely re-earned it.
Yuri, He attacked lily a lot but he was really fun play with.
Fozzy, it's not even goodbye with you, i talk to you daily, and spend 90% of my free time doing stuff with you.
Dakota, you're going to make a great admin, you have a great way of wording things.
Deadpool, we used to be a lot closer, I think you have the same view as burrito, and again i'm sorry, it was never meant to be that way, but it still ended up that way...
Blake, You're a pretty funny guy.
Tiger, You gave the best subnautica tips and I absolutely loved talking to you. Also I love your accent <3
Pandora, I can see why people demoted you, but personally I don't think you were that bad.
Tronald, He's actually a lot more mature than people give him credit for, he just doesn't show it very well.
Sketchy, You came alive just to comment on my staff app, and that means the world to me <3
Waffle, Got salty quite a bit, but rdming you was very fun!
Diamond bear, You'll make a great staff, just need to work on your anger issues.
Sus, You're a really nice guy, and earned your place as staff.
Ted, You have high tier memes.
Colleen, I don't know you very well, but you seem nice from what I do know.
Moderate, I know you probably don't think very highly of me, but I really regret burning that bridge, you were one of my closest friends at one point. If I could go back I'd stop myself from burning that bridge. You also proved me wrong, you are a great co-owner of dinks darkrp. It may not be popular, but maybe on day, you did a good job.
Steven, yeah, i remember you, you constantly taunted / harassed me until the end of time, but you helped me grow more resilient and I'm gonna have to say thank you for that.
Bantz, you guys just wanted to have fun, you just went about it in a bad way
Russ, Your intentions were pure, but the way you operated wasn't the best.
Sugam, you are a great coder, your knowledge of sql, of html, you are a big component of dinks, and without you the website probably would've broken by now or something lol.
Rhapsody, I had a lot of fun playing with you on the server.
Helen, I haven't really gotten to know you, but everyone else seems to like you, so, you can't be that bad.
Soup, I don't know you very well either but from what I've notice from other people, you seem like an enjoyable person.
Penny, I forget but I think we used to be on a lot better terms, I don't think were as good now though. I've come off as toxic as of lately.
Lycan, Was a great mod, did his job well, didn't deserve the demotion.
Rits, I didn't play with her on this server, she was like a sister to me, but I do admit she has some things she needs to work on, hopefully you'll be able to manage college, I don't necessarily like what you did to blakey, but i don't hate you for it, he's too much effort honestly... I don't know how you managed to put up with him for as long as you did.
Sassy, I've played like 3 days with you, and oml you became a sister to me near instantly as well.
Lova, We didn't play much, but we got along really well.
Mallak, Mallak you're a meme, but you're a funny one, and are a good person, and you certainly have a mind of your own.
noplees, ^^^^^^^
Jimbo, I knew I forgot someone! Jimbo you were a bit of a troll, but you were definitely full of determination when you were asking for staff.

I probably forgot quite a few people, and please don't take any of this as bad, or post a bunch of hate, I want to leave on good terms as best as I can. Thought that thread I made probably isn't helping it. I was a bit frustrated, but I made this one last thread to leave as best as I can.

One last thing I want to say, I made the server because I wanted dinks and all the people banned from dinks to be able to play together. I didn't want to steal any of dinks players, I just wanted everyone to get along... That really was my intention, even if it didn't turn out that way, I'm sorry...

Well it was nice meeting all of you. If you want to play something with me feel free to add me and msg me, or if you already have me added just msg me

Bye everyone!
Dont look so blue
why am i not on list
merry christmas xbox
Bye dude, sorry for fighting with you constantly I guess
You never made me feel uncomfortable, but sometimes the times you tried to communicate / get ahold of me I was trying to do other things. It was nice getting to know you while you spent your time here, see you on the other side!
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
when did i become troll i do not remmber
merry christmas xbox
I TRY REALLY HARD TO BE FRIENDLY AND ACCEPTING so being told I seem enjoyable is a major compliment, it's a shame I didn't get to spend some time with you to show you the more friendly side, instead of watching everything go by on the opposite side of the fence. Safe and happy travels Mari!
[Image: V3riwMP.jpg]A Bowl Of Soup
[Image: dinks.jpg]

You were always and still are one of my favorite people in the community, I'm glad that when I came back we became friends in one of the first couple days I was here, you've always been a good friend to me, even when I'm being difficult and stubborn. You were a good person to everyone I believe. Even though they did bad things, you were always the person to try to understand them in the end.

I wish you would stay, because I hate seeing people leave from here, especially ones that I care about. But in the end I'm okay with this, because it's your choice to make, and even though you're not in the same community as me, we'll still be friends after this. Putting all the drama that has happened aside, you've been a great staff member. I and many others will miss you from here dearly.   Heart

Goodbye our little top thread poster :<
==================== L i l y =====================
[Image: tumblr_ne6mgl5MRJ1s3ci0uo1_500.gif]
"Nah, google it up, shitlord."
The world is but a treat, when you're on easy street
Wish you the best in life dood
Farewell Mari. I know we didnt always agree on things, but I still learned a lot from working with you here and elsewhere. If you ever need anything, Im just a message away on discord and steam.
Best wishes,
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
I feel a need to say: regardless of your actions, and whether you leave this community, you are always welcome to talk to me, if at all. You are extremely different in regards to oher players and how you are, and I respect that.

But if this is where you cut off all links, I wish you safe travels through life.

P.S: This is Lova.
Pandas are cute as hell, don't you forget that.

[Image: x1iAjZQ.gif]

[Image: 76561198228770820.png]

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