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Hey I'm back ;)
Hey guys, most of you know me from the past and I really miss playing with you guys. I hear that this was a new server made and I couldn't be happier to see what this has become. The growth in this community has increased like crazy since I've been on here. Anyways if you don't know me, my name is DJ Snev. I am twitch streamer that fell in love with this sever a long time ago. I used to be a very active person on here and did all the staff stuff. However due to the demand of newer games to be played I've had a long time away from you guys. Thus why I have return and plan on staying for awhile.

If you read up to this point, I will share you the link to my twitch stream the reason being that is becuase not only goali but also dink know about my streaming and are okay with it. I only ask if you do watch it when I'm online in the server and you are to, please do not ghost because then you will have to be ban here and on my stream. Other then that I can't wait to make more memories with you guys! I'll be online tonight around 11:45est time zone. I'm off on Monday so I'll be up all night. Have an awesome day guys!!!
Welcome back!
Dont look so blue
Welcome back Snev!
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Thankyou guys :)
DropKnock, Snev, and Unidan make a comeback. What a time to be alive ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
[Image: giphy.gif]
Welcome back.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.
Dick pic?
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
DJ SNEV OMG!!! I missed u buddy. Hope life's been treating ya well the last few months.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Hahaha yeah man I'm excited. I'll see you all tonight online after work. I get off at 11pm but I'll be home by 11:45ish

Also yes Lee life has been good. I also dropped about -40 pounds too ;)
fuq u
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.