StaleWaters Unban
Ingame Name: StaleWater

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:176294252

Who Banned You: Christian

Reason For Ban: Drama

Length of Ban: Forever

Reason for Mods to Unban: Its been almost a year and I havent really done anything that would make me get into more "trouble".

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads):  I got banned over this

Other: Its been almost a year and I have been part of this community for almost 3 years now (hard to believe). I wont be playing much cause of my life and school but when if im unbanned theres always the option there. I feel like I've changed but what do I know about myself. I admit im a little bit shitposty but I dont really do anything bad on the server. I hope I didnt leave a 'stale' taste in your mouth.
[Image: original.gif]
+1 I remember playing with him back in 2016 and He was the reason I kept playing on the server. I dont know the reason why he was banned in the first place. But from what Ive seen hes a great guy.
My Maps
been here since September 2016
I'll put a +1 on this one. You were probably the least toxic out of all the toxic players to have come around and many of those other toxic players are either still gone from before your ban or left after it. I'd be okay with seeing you back provided you stay out of drama. (full disclosure I am Dildo Shwaggins I just have a meme name at the time of typing this)
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
+1 Drama shouldn't be reason for permaban. Should be gag worthy and kickable at worst.
You came on the Discord on an alt account leaking screenshots on another Community Banned Members behalf. A conversation between her and Starky that should of not been shared to the public. These screenshots shouldn't have been leaked at all, you let an Community Banned Member convince you to come on the discord to troll and cause drama. You interfered with an Ex Staff Members privacy, and I have no reason to believe you're sorry either. You didn't even acknowledge what you did wrong in your appeal, little effort was made in your appeal.

I have no rule in your appeal, but I feel as for what you did you should remain banned. Which reminds me, I thought we ruled that you were community banned, I faintly recall putting your forum ban in.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
(05-05-2018, 10:58 PM)Christian Wrote: You came on the Discord on an alt account leaking screenshots on another Community Banned Members behalf. A conversation between her and Starky that should of not been shared to the public. These screenshots shouldn't have been leaked at all, you let an Community Banned Member convince you to come on the discord to troll and cause drama. You interfered with an Ex Staff Members privacy, and I have no reason to believe you're sorry either. You didn't even acknowledge what you did wrong in your appeal, little effort was made in your appeal.

I have no rule in your appeal, but I feel as for what you did you should remain banned. Which reminds me, I thought we ruled that you were community banned, I faintly recall putting your forum ban in.

I may have come off as uncaring but thats because I tried to not mess myself up
[Image: original.gif]
(05-05-2018, 10:58 PM)Christian Wrote: You came on the Discord on an alt account leaking screenshots on another Community Banned Members behalf. A conversation between her and Starky that should of not been shared to the public. These screenshots shouldn't have been leaked at all, you let an Community Banned Member convince you to come on the discord to troll and cause drama. You interfered with an Ex Staff Members privacy, and I have no reason to believe you're sorry either. You didn't even acknowledge what you did wrong in your appeal, little effort was made in your appeal.

I have no rule in your appeal, but I feel as for what you did you should remain banned. Which reminds me, I thought we ruled that you were community banned, I faintly recall putting your forum ban in.
He was unbanned from the forums to be able to make this post
I for one support an unban, I never had problems with the guy but the drama that happened was ridiculous, he seems like he regretted his past transgressions from my short conversations with him in discord recently. +1 for unban, time for a second chance.
I would be fine with supporting a unban. It's probably been long enough to give him em a second chance.
Your request has been Denied. You may re-appeal after 6/13/2018

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