Cons's Request
Isn't this entire scenario indicative of the idea that the defib shouldn't even be a part of the server in the first place?
I'm not understanding what's the point of keeping plugins that are clearly capable of abuse when abuse is inevitably going to be an issue.
(06-17-2018, 06:55 PM)Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca Wrote: I've already tried to petition on y'alls behalf on the staff discord, but I suppose it would be wise to make it public here as well. 

First of all, EpicGuy did the right thing at the time and followed proper staff procedure. According to our rules, teaming is a permanent ban. It is, as Matt pointed out to me, defined in our server rules as "Do not team, which is aiding people you know are not on your team." Chezz provided Cons with a defib, thus aiding an innocent. Cons could be perceived as helping Chezz in a way by not revealing her status as a traitor or attacking her. 

I suppose my first line of defense for our defendants here would be how teaming is understood by our players. This is where the definition of teaming is provided in our rules. The definition is buried in a wall of text. I'll even admit that I didn't even know where the definition was located in our rules and I've been on this server for over 4 years. 

(12-31-2016, 11:26 PM)quiche commando Wrote: 5. Do Not Exploit, Hack, Metagame or Otherwise Avoid the Game's Intended Limits
This includes ghosting**, metagaming, hacking, and exploiting maps. Ghosting includes sharing any type of information with someone from the grave that could affect the outcome of a round, including staff. Do not try to escape the map bounds or exploit map bugs that provide an unfair advantage to gameplay. Do not team, which is aiding people you know are not on your team. Do not put your client to 3rd person mode. Do not intentionally crash the server. Do not abuse console commands to exploit the way ingame items work. An exception to the metagaming rule is that you may use the number of remaining living players to deduce the number of living traitors, but only once the game has reached a point where there are so few traitors or players remaining that you cannot be wrong.

My second line of defense is how lax we have been on teaming rules. Often times players use voice chat and "jokingly" ask traitors for traitor equipment. I've even done things that someone might even perceive as teaming in the strictest manner. 
  • I've played with 4 people on the server before where one of us was a traitor and planted a 10 minute C4 down. Each innocent then takes turns trying to defuse the C4 without dying. We all knew exactly who the traitor was and were simply trying to have a bit of fun. 
  • Another instance is when I play and intentionally don't call out traitors. I often see traitors perform a traitorous act yet I don't call it out in voice chat or text chat. I do so to allow myself to get the kill without any other innocents stealing it from me. It's a strategy I've performed since we added wins to the server as it allows me to have a better score since I get the traitor kills as an innocent/detective while others miss out. Does this help the traitors? Perhaps it does, especially if I die without killing them first. Am I intentionally trying to help them? No. 
Where do we draw a line on teaming? I sure don't know. The definition we provided is certainly pretty ambiguous about this. Should this definition be expanded? No, I don't think so. I think that the incidents, which tend to be fairly rare, need to be analyzed on a case by case standard during the unban appeals. 

My third defense strategy relates back to my second point. Was this teaming incident done in malice? Absolutely not. Were these two conspiring together to plot against Chezz's own team to allow the innocents to win? I seriously doubt it. This appears to be a simply case of Cons and Chezz goofing around while playing. This certainly doesn't warrant a permanent ban.

My fourth line of defense now relates to the users involved in this incident. Both Chezz and Cons are regulars on the server and are pleasant, friendly individuals. Cons has spent over 300 hours on our server, Chezz has over 100. Is this really what they deserve for their dedication to the server? No. These two have spent entire days of their lives playing on our server and making it a more hospitable place for everyone. 

I recommend a full unban for both Chezz and Cons. They didn't do this in malice. This was a simple mistake and they shouldn't have to suffer a cruel and unusual punishment as a result of it.

Thank you for explaining this fully Prince. I now have more knowledge of this situation and rule.
"Hey are you a girl gamer?" 
- Everyone on Dink's TTT 
+1 for full unban of both. Permanent ban for what is teaming that resulted in no RDM or delay of round is frankly ridiculous and wrong. Honestly teaming in general should only be bans if RDMs occurred and that a lighter punishment should be handed out in something small like this
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]

(06-17-2018, 07:27 PM)PawPomb Wrote: Isn't this entire scenario indicative of the idea that the defib shouldn't even be a part of the server in the first place?
I'm not understanding what's the point of keeping plugins that are clearly capable of abuse when abuse is inevitably going to be an issue.

That can be said for any T item by that logic. You could abuse the Harpoon by giving it to innocents or the Portable Tester by letting a detective pick it up and parade around the map screaming at the top of his/her lungs "Test or KOS". You can't control what people do. If we didn't have the plugins then people most certainly would not be here.
Ive been down this road before and have done some real stupid shit and I truly honestly believe that everyone deserves a second chance. They broke the rules but like Prince Nicky said they did not do it out of malice. I can hopefully guarentee that if they were allowed back on the server they would never do something as stupid as this again.

EDIT: Defib is also antithetical to what the ttt gamemode is built off of.
My Maps
been here since September 2016
Sorry for the late response, Your appeal has been accepted into a 2 week reduction on your ban.

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