Papa Milo unbann request
Ingame Name:  Papa Milo

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160186012

Who Banned You: lycan

Reason For Ban:  attempted mass rdm

Length of Ban: permanent 

Reason for Mods to Unban: I simply need a place like Dinkleberg to spend my free time. I liked playing on the server, and not for the reasons that i was banned for. I spend about 5 hours a day on this server and i have never done this before. I regret my actions and i'm sorry. also in the rules theres no attempted mas rdm. theres only mass rdm and attempted rdm and since i killed 2 players wouldn't that make it 2 slays not a perma bann.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): no

Other:  Hani dared me to trow an insino grenade into a group of afk's so I threw an incino grenade into a pit of about 4 or 5 afk players. I killed 2 and got 2 ato slays.
Um yea, I'm going to have to go with a -1 for now. Either way, I don't see why you would do it even if it was a dare, that's just stupid. You killed two people and damaged a third severely with that incend and afterwards when lycan and I were questioning you as to why you threw it(after the 2 slays were added and we realized it was actually attempted mass) you responded with "I was a detective, I was testing to see if they were traitors or not". What kind of abysmal excuse is that? That is not how TTT is played. On top of this, I do you see tend to RDM often with some of them being clearly intentional and some cases even targeting.
Gabe me saying  "I was a detective, I was testing to see if they were traitors or not" was a joke to me. i have a fucked up humor. also can you point me in the ttt rules where it talks about attempted mass rdm
(10-29-2018, 08:49 PM)Papa Milo Wrote: Gabe me saying  "I was a detective, I was testing to see if they were traitors or not" was a joke to me. i have a fucked up humor. also can you point me in the ttt rules where it talks about attempted mass rdm

Attempted mass is just as bad as mass. What your last question implies is completely invalid.
(10-29-2018, 08:49 PM)Papa Milo Wrote: Gabe me saying  "I was a detective, I was testing to see if they were traitors or not" was a joke to me. i have a fucked up humor. also can you point me in the ttt rules where it talks about attempted mass rdm

Okay, that's not something to joke about especially when it's a serious question. There's nothing specific in motd on attempted mass, but it's essentially killing two people and then injuring a third for at least 20+ most of the time and with intention and malicious intent.
This is literally how our conversation went, after you consistently talking about wanting to kill the AFK's before OT the whole map:

"I'm gonna throw an incend at the afk's"
"Do it, you won't"
"Oh I'm a detective"
"Even better"

^ To be honest, I didn't actually expect you to do it ESPECIALLY if you're a detective. You're also a REGULAR, therefore you should know what not to do. I agree with Gabe though that you do RDM more than anyone should be doing.
Also, just because someone says to do something, doesn't mean you should do it. For example, if a friend tells you to jump off a cliff, are you gonna do it just because you were told to?
Btw, attempted RDM has always been a permaban from my knowledge.
-1 for ignoring or not knowing a simple rule to not rdm afk until the overtime, besides you was a detective

You warned everyone preround that you would throw an incendiary at the AFKs so I decided to watch you until you threw the incendiary near five people. A discombobulator knocked 2 people out of the way but you still damaged/killed three people with that incendiary, you even acknowledged that would've gotten more people if it had not been for that discombobulator. Not sure why you would listen to someone telling you to do something as stupid as that if they actually told you to do it. Attempted Mass RDM has always been a permaban.

so i have a question if you rdm another mod and they don't care is that rdm? do you get slayed for it?
(10-29-2018, 09:16 PM)Papa Milo Wrote: so i have a question if you rdm another mod and they don't care is that rdm? do you get slayed for it?

I don't know what this has to do with anything related to this thread but if any report is forgiven you don't get slayed for it, unless it was like someone who clearly massed

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