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That time
when ShdSteel mass rdm'd because everyone was trapped inside a dumpster fire and suddenly he wasn't on the server soon after...

[Image: 28t9jdi.jpg]
[Image: ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...rbox=false]

Well...those poor people. Flying dumpster time!
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
this would be a better fit in the "Best Moments" category
(11-29-2018, 03:43 PM)Laced Xanax Wrote: this would be a better fit in the "Best Moments" category

Perhaps it would, though best moment last night was Derp saying before he was logging off he had one last thing to do.  I hit my No key, not realizing he was right behind me, then there was an explosion and the round ended.

Had the controller of the bicycle not flipped the dumpster upside down entirely, I do not think there would be a Human BBQ that round with Steel.
[Image: ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...rbox=false]

It got taken care of
and then he was karma banned
Lmao yeah I got karma banned, thats why I wasnt on "soon after" , stupid. I accepted the slays and everyone I killed didnt report me still.

The round before I accidentally headshot Detective hani from across the map.
Yeah he messed up and truly feels sorry for this and i'll also add that when i got on he asked for a fuck ton of slays to compensate for what he did
Jack of some traits, Master of none
[Image: hqdefault.jpg]
I forgot the marshmallows
[Image: ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...rbox=false]


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