12-05-2018, 08:22 AM
Seriously are you kidding me right now? Matt legit locked the thread. Scoovie did not have to go out of his way to inject his own 2 cents into an already locked thread just because lolz. How fucking unprofessional. Fuck this server. I'm glad not to be in a community where it's okay to just inject memes and lolz into peoples fucking unban requests. It's unprofessional as fuck. I've been apart of better servers than that and have had my old clan leaders bust peoples balls for doing shit like that. Seriously unprofessional guys. I come here and ask for an unban request and don't take it too seriously when I get denied but Scoovie unlocking my thread and saying that and relocking is a dick and coward move. You want to talk shit come talk shit to me rather than hiding behind an already locked posted that you went out of your way to unlock. Bring it shit for brains!