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Scoovie unlocked my unban thread to say fuck you
Dude just fuck off you said you don't care so why you here having a fit, ya scoovie a little bitch lol but you call us immature and yell at scoovie for it then you go and mass downvote and cry more. you seem to be no better than him
Whenever Scoovie gets home he's gonna respond back to this and you won't get banned until you have the luxury of reading it.
Here, I’ll even offer my entire stash
[Image: 44542210_647252569010709_8717142192517809040_n.jpg]
          [Image: b_560x95.png]

                     [Image: 76561198309335191.png]
its alright dogman i got ur back i will ban everyone on my test server
merry christmas xbox
I was gonna break down your post and wreck you every step of the way but dakota beaned you, though you'll probably make an alt because you care (it's ok to care) so ill say a bit anyway. You don't deserve to be treated with professionalism or respect, when you have never shown any to anyone else. Every other word in your paragraph was a cuss word or insult, try expanding your vocabulary.

So in conclusion G.o. F.u.C.k. Y.o.U.r.S.e.L.f.

ps, mass -1 rep isn't hard to delete soooo.
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]

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