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Let's Go Again (Trusted App)
Ingame Name: Avi

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171398726

Time Played: ~270 on server (Gametracker says I have about 335, which is more accurate because my time reset on server)

When First Joined: October 24, 2016

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Im usually on late night/early morning around 10pm-3am Central Time and other various times.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community?:  I have a lot of experience staffing Prop Hunt, where I was upper staff for two different communities with varying responsibilities.  That experience carries over to this server where I can handle trolling, ghosters, hackers, etc. and know what to look for with these different situations.  Im also familiar with the Dinks community overall because I have held staff ranks on other servers (TTT and DarkRP).

Why do you want to help the community?: As a donor, I've done my best to help the server when I play, especially when no staff are on.  I try to make ban requests or ask the staff for help when a person needs to be banned, and I help the staff gather evidence as well.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): I have not been banned

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Trusted App #1

How did you find us?: I was searching for a TTT server to play back in 2016 when I wasn't staffing and found out this community had a PH server.

Other:  Any feedback is much appreciated, thanks for checking out my app :^)
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
Hi, chiming in from the ttt side of moon here again where we have homicidal unicorns and psychopathic fairies running about everyday on the server nonstop too.

From the time I’ve known Avi from TTT I can say with no uncertainty that she is one of the most capable and reliable staff members I’ve ever met. Knows how to maintain order, work under pressure, and handle situations the way they are supposed to be handled. She also has a pretty knowledgeable understanding of the rules from what I can tell and yes, there are times that we, even as mid/upper staff members too, ask for clarification for rules because they are sometimes vaguely defined or can be interpreted in different ways.

Avi has also been pretty active in PH and has been gaining hours as well as putting in clear and coherent ban requests and commenting on some too. She also is active in both the forums and discord as well. I think she would prove to be a more than capable trusted for PH.

also, just resign u bad
I haven't played with you recently, but I do know your a good player, you know the rules, and ask for clarification on situations your not sure on, and a great staff member even though that's TTT i know you can bring what makes you great staff in TTT and apply it to prophunt. I think most if not all of us can all see your willingness to help out and handle situations from maintaining the server, to making ban requests, and notifying staff of people you think are ghosting when you see it. So you definitely have a +1 from me.
[Image: J6yUs0g]
You were not even on my radar for potentials to apply for staff since you are already apart of TTT, but the surprise is welcome. You have a calming presence on the server and know how to handle harassers that come your way (I even remember that happening earlier today on backyard). I have never seen/heard anything about you breaking rules and you have a good attitude on top of it.

I believe you would be a great addition to becoming staff. +1
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
Hi, I'm here from DarkRP.


In all seriousness, HUGE +1. Avi is a great staff member here on TTT, and I have no reason to believe she can't transfer her staffing expertise over to PH.
I have not played with her over on PH, but once again, I HAVE played with her on TTT. Her knowledge of rules and her character/demeanor make her a great Trusted over here. Why not give her a chance on this server, too.

To, once again, echo your words on my Trusted application: "I think you'll make a fine Trusted."
+1, not only great staff on TTT but always super great when I swing by PH too. Known her for a good while now and am totally confident in her ability to be a great staff member for PH.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]

I stated everything I felt in your previous application, and look forward to helping to sustain/grow this community with you as an addition to the PH team. 

I know that you've talked with many staff and are friends with many PH staff, so communication won't be an issue for you and I also feel you have a pretty good grasp on how things are to be handled on the server. 

See you on the Field Avi 

I can assure you're ready to become Trusted for this community. I'd been witnessing you assisting newer players, active, etc. Why indeed you'll be another perfect staff addition due to being also staff over to Trouble in Terrorist Town. No problems nor concerns you becoming staff Avi.
I really have nothing extra to add from what others have said, I will be excited to see you become Trusted on PH, I have played with you on TTT and you clearly know rules of both server and manage your time very well. Good luck. +1
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
+1 is a good level headed player who performs well in their staff positions that I've seen them in.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.