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TTT Bind Guide
Hey guys! People are always asking how to make binds that say for example like Dinkleberg is a traitor! So this thread is for that. 

How to Bind:
Press the '~/`' key.
For Ex. : bind c "ttt_radio traitor"
!Notice! If a command has empty spaces, it needs the asterisks! ("")

ttt_radio imwith < 'Im with ...'
ttt_radio yes < 'Yes.'
ttt_radio no < 'No.'
ttt_radio suspect < '... acts Suspicious.'
ttt_radio traitor < '... is a Traitor!'
ttt_radio innocent < '... is Innocent.'
ttt_radio see < 'I see ...'
ttt_toggle_disguise < Toggle Disguise with Disguiser as T
+zoom < Zooms in normal servers, but in TTT servers it opens the menu with ... is a Traitor, etc.

Alternate Option

Go to (While in Garry's Mod)

-Find "Suit Zoom"
-Bind that to Z or any other key that you prefer.

-Press Z in game and the respective number when the menu on the left appears

Thanks to Tyler for making this.
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
bind mouse1 "kill" is my favorite.
Why is this not locked?
Because then people can't shit post.

Oh and @"Warpizzle" that is my fav bind to.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
bind mwheelup "impulse 100"; bind mwheeldown "impluse 100"
Scroll mousewheel for flash spammer, cant switch weapons with mwheel though.

Too good to not bump.
+1 useful necro(ish)
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
Numpad binds

Keypad 0 - "kp_ins"
Keypad 1 - "kp_end"
Keypad 2 - "kp_downarrow"
Keypad 3 - "kp_pgdn"
Keypad 4 - "kp_leftarrow"
Keypad 5 - "kp_5"
Keypad 6 - "kp_rightarrow"
Keypad 7 - "kp_home"
Keypad 8 - "kp_uparrow"
Keypad 9 - "kp_pgup"
Keypad "." or "del" - "kp_del"
Keypad Enter - "kp_enter"
Keypad Plus - "kp_plus"
Keypad Minus - "kp_minus"
Keypad Multiply - "kp_multiply"
Keypad Slash - "kp_slash"
so for some reason my f8 bind does not open logs so i had to rebind it to L, if anyone knows how to bind it to F8 please let me know

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.