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I'd appreciate to be a Trusted Staff :)
Hello I'm KittyQua_ke

My Ingame name is just KittyQua_ke my steam id is: STEAM_0:0:206571985
I've played for 77 Hours, I joined on January 15 2019.
My activity is usually everyday at 6:00 AM AWST, The Rank I would like to start off with is Trusted and work my way up, my current rank is Master.
What I can do to help the community is to bring a lot of joy and make sure all the users have fun and to make sure no one asks questions that they're supposed to not ask. I want to help the community because so far that I've been playing there hasn't been enough joy and sometimes there is arguments about random things and not treating each other nicely and users sometimes haven't been nice to staff. I haven't been banned before and I hope I don't get banned.

I have not previusly applied for staff so this is my first time applying for it. How I found this server is that I played it in 2017 but I had no interests, but since it's 2019 I start to have more interest so I love playing Dinkleberg PropHunt now, I wasn't really interested in the other Prophunt servers.

Just so you know a little more about me, I'm only 14 years old, I'm in grade 9 and my favourite sport is Netball. Last year I did Navy Cadets my rank was a seman but I quit when I was becoming a Able Seman. I used to do dancing and gymnastics, I'm still trying to approve my discord on you're server so I'm still trying to get it work.I lost a best friend 2 days ago so I'll try my best to take full responsibility, I promise I'll be more active on: Discord and the Server!

Kind Regards,
Resigned Ph Trusted March 11th 2019 - February 12th 2020

“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.”

― Jess C. Scott
1) Welcome to the forums
2) Since this kinda looks like a introduction mixed with a staff application:
    - this is where the thread should be at
    - and this is the format that needs to be used
[Image: giphy.gif]
Welcome to  forums Kitty ^_^  Great to have u on board
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
Welcome to the forums Kitty
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
Um welcome to the forums I suggest following Kasumi's links if you want to apply for staff
[Image: I_dont_think_so.png]
ye ye welcome to the forums :) I recommend clicking the Links Kasumi posted if you want to apply and to see if you meet our requirements
[Image: e2d.jpg]
WeLcOmE tO fOrUmS!!!
it looks like you edited it to fit the format, but It'd have been better to put your app here with the other apps
As well as look at the requirements for staff here it lists the basic requirements needed to be staff. Some of which you don't meet yet, but don't let that discourage you Kitty your a fun player and I'm sure given time you can become staff.
[Image: e2d.jpg]
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome to the forums Kitty :)
Be sure like the others have stated that if you're going to apply for staff do it int he links Kasumi posted. Be sure you have all the requirements!

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.