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It might have to do with me.
I enforced a rule that is extremely old but is still an active rule.

He was mad because I slay him for four false report after I warned him during those other three times. All his reports were against the traitor that killed him while he was innocent.
And in each report, it's like some sort of "heyy tthat was so cool". Or like "you found me xdxd".
I asked him to stop false reporting and he started saying I abused and that I got staff because I apparently I wanted attention. So he got slay. So he changed his name to make fun of my cartoon avatar. And stuff like that's not a rule and blah blah. 
So he started enforcing the rules too hard on another player who wasn't exactly breaking any rules just his name was part racist "Nate Higger". I told him it wasn't racist unless he uses it against the rules like actually spamming and hinting the name as the racist word. But he kept ok enforcing that I will ban him if he doesn't. Which I had to lecture him that I don't ban people for that, and stop using my name as your scapegoat.

Basically he might be trying to get me demoted because whenever I'm on he gets extremely edgy.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.
So, a slay for false reporting, wich he's been warned for, he cries like baby. He throws a tantrum, like a baby, and starts actively disrespecting on-line staff. That "Not racist but totally racist itent" name is up to the discression on staff on, even though I myself would've told him to change it. Followed by more staff disrespect/harassment.

What a cute baby boy, he must be just over 4 for these things to be acceptable!

Simply put, if you genuinely feel he's specificly going after you because baby boy needs attention, you have the right to tell him to piss off and not to mention if he directly disrespects your position as staff you have the right to enforce the rules on that. Not to mention by the looks of it there's some harassment with that too.
Resigned Staff since 03-26-2018.
Yikes, another edgelord that'll end up being perma'd and then there will be a huge outcry from the retards for their unban.
Samantha wtf
this was a shitpost that got way to much thought about what the post was actually about put into it.

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