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Resignation 2 electric boogaloo
so before the He'll be back in a week jokes start rolling in no I won't at least not as staff I won't and yes this is serious

I'm stepping down from Prop Hunt moderator and my reasoning for this is a lot so strap in. My time in this community has been pretty mixed honestly, when I first got here it was great and it was that way for quite awhile but then I started to get deeper into the community and that's when things started to change I got more involved with the drama and got to know some of the inside workings of how things are run around here and there's honestly some pretty bad stuff that gets by and even though everyone knows about it nothing is done about it. The people who are in high positions here either don't care enough to try and change any of the things that are wrong around here or they like that it's happening I know they aren't blind to it because some of it has been brought to them multiple times and seeing this go on genuinely gets to me. When you get deep enough into the community you realize how toxic it really is no one confronts each other when they have an issue with one another and everything is done behind closed doors and/or behind peoples backs and that really doesn't sit right with me and I'm ashamed to admit I have been a part of this myself and I'm usually the one who likes to preach about honesty. All of this is the reason I can't be this deep in Dink's toxic pit anymore and I think the first and best step to getting away from all of this is resigning to those of you I actually genuinely like and have come to know as my friends thank you, you have made my time here amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything and to everyone good luck 

I apologize for being so vague and cryptic with all of this but I'm done being involved with this and would appreciate it if no one bothered me with it. When it comes to PH please put be back to a Donor as well as Discord and forums
Thank you for helping PH Link hopefully I can still rdm you on TTT in the future
[Image: e2d.jpg]
Make sure to drop by every now and then and say hi. It was great getting to know you over the past several months and I wish you luck wherever you choose to go next.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
First off, -1 I do not approve

You've been Great Link, your honesty has been a benefit to the community from day you first arrived. Thank you, for all the insight you've given me and being blunt and honest with me and other players about where we can improve. Your ability to look deeper and really analyze the situation has been a great help, and personally I feel that I've grown while being able to interact with you both as staff and through conversation. 

You really have been doing a great Job

I hope to still be able to game with you on occasion


[Image: CANADIAN_TOM.png]
Its sad but true, even without being able to see any internal staff communication its hard to miss the drama. Some staff members need to learn to practice what they preach and leave personal drama at the door.
big F

From the times I did stop by on PH and you were on, I had fun with you, and you still did your job well while messing with me. I hope to still see you stop by in Discord and play some games with me sometime. My DMs, as for anyone else, are always open should you need me.

u still gay tho

Also, while not being able to discuss EXACTLY what you've mentioned in your post, I will say that I do not disagree with any point you've made here.
second, good luck in the rest of life
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
You were a great staff member and even though we had our disagreements, I always respected your opinion. I will say that I completely agree with your statements though. There is a lot of things that are done behind closed doors and things happen that shouldn't happen here. I doubt it'll ever change. Have a good one. Keep in touch though.
[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]
Thanks for everything you did for PH while you were around and hope to see you pop on PH/TTT from time to time.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
One of the players I love to play with Thanx for all the hard work you've put into prop hunt
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.