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What bizarre event happened at school/work?
At my job as a tele-surveryer, someone OD'd on heroin in the bathroom and I found him and almost had a panic attack  :-/
I like the idea of making story threads on the forums a lot because it gives the chance for community members to share fun stories. That being said I will now share the first story that comes the mind.

Back in elementary school just before we would leave to lunch, procedure required kids wash their hands/use sanitizer before they could leave to prevent sickness. Each room only had 1 sink and teachers didn't wanna make large class trips to the restroom because of how it slows down the schedule. Teacher one year picks 5 kids at random who get to use sink while everyone else lines up for squirts of germx. Sink is way better because germx leaves a terrible taste on any food you touch (its elementary so we touch a lot of food like idiots). One day two kids get in argument over who should get to use sink because it was pizza day (which was every kids favorite) and one kid who got picked to use the sink owed a favor or something. Teacher separates them, kid who didnt get picked is pissed. Next morning teacher is on duty at the car rider drop off (where teachers separate crying kids who dont wanna leave the car and keep everything moving) so she isnt in classroom. Bell rings, everyone goes to class. A couple of kids (me included) get to class before the teacher and it REEKS. Everyone is confused, stumbling around, etc. Teacher finally gets in and asks about the smell. Nobody knows. Teacher finally pinpoints it and calls the principal. Apparently kid who didnt get to use the sink decided to enact some revenge by sneaking to the teachers class and taking the largest shit an elementary school student could take in the sink. We had to spend about half that day in another class while it got cleaned and the smell aired out.
[Image: Sy6406Z.png]
I’ll give y’all the fun one, not the gross one
This is on a college campus on a weekend to note
In one dorm a fire alarm is set off and any parties there shut down (thanks SAE) so I go to hang out in another dorm where the off duty RAs are all hanging out and drinking. After a bit I step outside and notice that there is some smoke coming from the landing above me. I poke my head back in to tell the RAs and most run out to look. Turns out the following happened:
2 volleyball girls were cooking and set a rag on fire by having it too close to the burner. Collectively they decide the best way to put this out is to throw it in the freezer. And leave it there. After some time a third roommate comes home and sees the refrigerator smoking so she unplugs it and goes about her day. Doesn’t check why, but decides unplugging the refrigerator will fix the problem. So the fourth roommate arrives shortly after and sees the unplugged smoking refrigerator. Seeing this she checks what’s wrong and finds the washrag still on fire believe it or not. So she throws it on the landing and leaves it outside to solve itself. Which is when I step out. Now that I and the RAs get up there to see what’s going on, one of the RAs tells the girls that they should have put it in coffee grounds to snuff the fire out.
This is not an electrical fire and the girls said it’s not on fire from cooking oil, so how the hell these four roommates and 1 RA cannot fathom that WATER BEATS FIRE is beyond me.
Keep in mind that the volleyball girls are on sports scholarship and where that doesn’t cover, the Athletics department swings academic scholarships that they don’t qualify for (granted some do, but I had this told to me by one of the volleyball girls that didn’t qualify and I don’t figure these girls did) and the school trusts and pays for the RA to advise students on safety.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Guy brought a gallon carton filled with water, detergent, salt, pepper, and garlic and proceeded to water bomb the bathroom at school. After that, two kids with fluorescent lights had a sword fight in the same bathroom. The same bathroom has been closed since.
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I didn't participate in the prank and arrive for the food, but our senior prank was blocking off our high school parking lot with our cars so teachers couldn't park and having one giant cookout in the parking lot. Someone brought a gas griddle another brought a grill. Anyway The school called the cops and fire marshals on them. No one got arrested thankfully, but they were told to move their cars as it was a safety hazard. Funny enough the teachers weren't pissed or anything and enjoyed the cookout. The principle let us have the cookout until second period and we were told we could keep chilling and do whatever at a park up the street as long as we were back before our practice walk for graduation. The office lady was mad at us for coming in late since she could have got in trouble for us ditching and the Vice principle in-charge of my class was livid and threatened to cancel our graduation ceremony and not let anyone walk.

He was my favorite principle he was pretty understanding and didn't enforce some of the dumb rules the school wanted like detentions for being tardy 4 times. I was sad to hear he was arrested and fired a year later for "Failure to report abuse" after it came out one of the substitute teachers was running a fight club in a classroom and was even making bets with the students on who would win.
[Image: e2d.jpg]
The other day I successfully convinced my boss that the water cooler has an i7. I have a long list of stuff I can put on this thread, I need to type it out sometime.
When I started at my current job a young female worked in sales who would dress a little to scandalously for work, but not to a degree where it’s worth doing something about. Fast forward a couple months and a group of individuals from the sales department co-workers of this female, decided to visit the local strip club. While they were at the strip club they saw the girl who works in sales as a performer. Afterwards they didn’t say anything but the now know stripper would offer her services to them. She eventually got fired for a combination of things.

I used to work with a man who wrote a program to basically scrap all of amazon to find pricing errors in buy that item. In one year he would place over 20,000 amazon orders. He’s had entire delivery trucks just for his stuff. He had filled his garage, his spare bedroom and his neighbors bedroom with various goods. What’s great about this is I got so much stuff for free. I have 5 google homes that cost $129 for free.

One day this co worker called us out to his car and he opens is trunk. His trunk is full of viagra. His offers it to us and asks if we knew anyone that could use it. He later got rid of all this viagra because he was concerned about legality.

This co worker later got fired for “hacking” more of finding an exploit in a website on a company laptop.

The IT at my guy was racist. The guy in the previous story was middle eastern. He added extra monitoring software, allowing him to view the screen, key logger, etc. This was only done to this guys computer. The middle eastern guy who also buys all this stuff from amazon spent like 2 weeks trying to hack into this shit on his computer. He eventually got it off but the IT guy grew suspicious. He went to look at the computer in question and confirm that it was actually removed. After he confirmed that it was actually removed he left and did a loop though the kitchen to the other door to the room of the software dev area to listen in on what we were saying. The IT guy continued to look into the middle eastern guy more and figured out he hacked this website and obtained some info on the company network on the company computer. The next day the IT guy walks in my the HR person and yell “[name] STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER” like he was a cop ordering someone.

About 6 months later. Occasionally my work has guest speakers come in about a variety of topics. This time it was about identity theft. The speakers was talking about the IRS scam callers and said that it was a big giveaway because it sounded like the person spoke broken English. So I work with an Indian guy, the IT guy says to my boss in front of everyone in this meeting and says “Is that what it’s like speaking to [insert Indian co workers name here]?”

IT guy was later fired for other reasons

Every morning at 9:30 we have a development team stand. At this meeting all the developers discuss what they did the day before, what they will do today, and if they are having trouble with something, and if they have questions for someone else etc. We all work from home various days of the week and join this meeting through some software called Zoom. The application most of us are working on involves live video, though a webcam or cameras in general. One guy had his video off in the meeting, but went to demo what he has been working on. This application by nature forces your webcams on. So his webcam turns on and we see it though screen share when he’s demoing. So the camera appears on the screen and we see his topless wife behind him. He immediately closes out of the application, we all just stared laughing.
For my senior prank at highschool, Most of my class went in the middle of the night to find one of the windows open (luckily)
We let loose 300 crickets in the school.
For 3 months all you heard was crickets because they kept fucking breeding. LMAOOOOO.
Not my years senior prank but one year at our school we got actual Hogs to run wild in the school.

Fun times trying to coral them all.

(fun fact: the high school mascot is a feral hog, and the town I live in is like the top producer in the world for hogs, so it only seemed fitting that this happened)
I'm always lifting, on the server and off, my gains keep me going!!

2013/14-Present (6+ years with this beautiful community!)

And Remember kids, never skip Leg Day!
Last week the interns were moving some stuff out of the attic, they were moving quite a few heavy panels. So they come up with the idea of creating a pulley system to lower the panels down the stairs. So they started assembling the system, but got stuck at one point. They walked to my desk and stated explaining the system. I told them to show me it. I saw it and got to work. I hooked them up with a pulley system that could lift like 1 ton with 100 pounds of force. (I did the math). I told them to put a specific pulley as the first one in the system. They failed to do that. Later I’m back at my desk and I hear a loud bang. The first pulley snapped, and the panels on this cart go siding down the stairs crash into the ground. Nobody was hurt.

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