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It has been a crazy couple of years my dudes.
It really has. I first joined here around March of 2015. At that time, I was active in another gmod community by the name of The Hundred Acre Bloodbath (THAB). THAB had everything and was fun, and I always populated it. Well since I'm usually on at the ass crack of dawn, nobody was on any server. Still wanting to play gmod, I hopped onto a random server and ended up here at Dink's. I was 12 years old and didn't know the rules or the people of the server. Lucky enough, there was a mod/admin (don't remember who) that randomly decided to gift me 100,000 points to afford a jump pack. I had only been playing a few hours but the community already seemed to like me. I fucked around for a little bit then went back to THAB once the servers were populated. In 2016, a year later, I was give the role of Moderator on THAB's TTT servers. I was happy and excited, as TTT was extremely fun for me and I was then a 14 year old provided with power I hadn't obtained before. For God knows what reason, the servers suddenly began to depopulate and less of the original players joined. Perhaps it was because everyone had grown too old to play gmod, perhaps it was because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing as a staff member on a gaming server where you are a goddamned terrorist killing other terrorist, who knows. After a while of decline, Buzzkill, the 40-something-year-old owner of the server gave the server to the only staff still heading the server. At this point, I had already given up on gmod and was busy with school and other video games. 

Fast forward to the summer of 2018. I had already been on Dinks a handful of times and enjoyed every bit of it. School was out and I had all the free time in the world, aside from the 3 summer college courses I was taking. I put hours upon hours into the server, growing from a simple member to a master and eventually a regular. My 16th birthday came and went and I was enthralled with the server. Somewhere around that time I befriended @Dildo Shwaggins , a hilarious staff member who somehow got me interested in becoming staff simply because of his personality. In early August, I joined both the discord and the forums, frantically attempting to increase my activity in order to apply for trusted before the school year began. I hadn't even created an introduction thread on the forums, but created one on August 28th and another random thread that same day. On August 29th, with barely any discord activity to speak of and a pitiful two thread posts, I created my application for TTT Trusted. Of course, this was before the sponsorship system was reimplemented so I was able to sneak my staff application up without any serious requirements. Somehow, I was accepted and became a staff member of Dink's TTT after no serious dedication. Regardless, I was extremely happy. Gimmick and jimbo were there to teach me the ropes, as was trombowen. Yet after a week my Sophomore year began and I gradually became less and less active. Eventually, I would go months without getting on until Christmas. For two weeks I was active once again, yet the makeup of the server had greatly changed. New players (to me) were regulars and I simply knew noone. When winter break let out, I was inactive one more in order to get back into my school year. 

From around April or May of 2019, I again pumped up my activity on the server in order to rise within the ranks of server staff. Those who had been trusted with me were already fully capable Moderators (Hani and Laced). I had been a Trusted for 8 months, but craved for both more power and more responsibilities. After making sure my gametracker activity was full for about 25 days and convincing the inactive Mod @Turner to sponsor me, I applied and became a T-Mod. God knows how I managed it, since I had been inactive for months and wasn't fully exceptional as a staff member. Turner too was hesitant, as he hadn't been playing often, but I still convinced him. Around this time I had also befriended the e-grill Penguin, who became as close to me as Dildo had.  After a month of being a Test Moderator, I desired the full blown color of green once more. I waited a second month, until July, in order to obtain both @Penguinslayer4 and @Dildo Shwaggins as sponsors for Moderator. I was not unique, I was not special. Frankly, I was just some average staff member who didn't like the decade long process of creating ban requests, yet still somehow managed to become promoted. Progress another month and here I am today. I still love the server and my role in it. The community is as welcoming as ever and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, I would sell @Gabe to the gypsies any day, but that's besides the fact. I've had a blast on Dink's, just like I did on THAB. I simply just don't want it to die off like every other server I have been on. 

Why did I write all of this information you may ask? Maybe because it's 10:30 in morning on a Sunday and no one is on the goddamn server yet. I'm extremely bored and became desperate enough to do something like this. No, I'm not resigning yet. I probably scared some people, but perhaps that was the whole point of this. 

Good day fuckers, 

      -   Raider Hanks, your neighborhood big gey
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
Gayder save this effort 4 school dawg
I remember when we would harass each other all the time tho, my fave
Raider you fucker this did make me think it was a resignation
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
@Dildo Shwaggins hey i'm just following in your footsteps

@Hani what you mean, i'll still harass your gay ass
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
I'm sorry, you do not meet any of my requirements for a thread like this. 
  • Not enough meme time
  • Not enough server time
  • Not enough rdm time
  • Not enough ban req
  • Not enough idiocy time
  • Not enough forum time
  • Not enough Raider Hank time
I'm sorry, but I have to give you a     

You're thread makes me cringe and @Dildo Shwaggins and @Penguinslayer4 smell like beef. 

Thank you, that is all.     

I Am Inevitable. 

here I was thinking you were about to join team purple

we’ll get you soon enough
[Image: giphy.gif]
@"Admiral Arbok"

i couldn't, i've never donated dumbo
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
shiternet boy, we can't harass you in discord sadly
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
I remember when you got Trusted. Pls resign

It's been a wild ride tho my guy, keep doing what you're doing and don't hesitate to ask this washed up staff member if you need any help.
(08-11-2019, 12:34 PM)Laced Xanax Wrote: I remember when you got Trusted. Pls resign

It's been a wild ride tho my guy, keep doing what you're doing and don't hesitate to ask this washed up staff member if you need any help.

did you say my name?

I Am Inevitable. 


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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.