Zuboba Unban Request
Ingame Name: Zuboba[Ape Gang]

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99736228

Who Banned You: Ethan

Reason For Ban: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZiE0S0l...e=youtu.be
Length of Ban: Permanent

Reason for Admins to Unban: 

So I want to start this off by saying I'm sincerely sorry the stunt I pulled a couple months back. It was very ugly and out of character of me and I don't want you guys to think of me like that. The racism was completely out of hand and was unneeded, I don't like that word at all and at the time I was just trying to be funny but clearly I went too far. Ethan, I want to apologize to you personally for kicking you, gagging you, and just giving you hell in general because you do a great job of taking care of the server man and didn't deserve that shit. Nicol, I went way too far with the messages on discord and was letting my ego get to me man and I want to apologize to you as-well for giving you a hard ass time, you didn't deserve and you do a wonderful job running that server(something that is not easy to do). Finally, I want to apologize to anyone on the server who I annoyed or even offended, I meant no harm in my words I was just tryna be funny. Man I just hope to see you guys again, like I miss playing with a lot of you guys and just want to have a fun time goofing around on Gmod TTT again.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): I have no clue where to find the link

Other: Again just want to apologize for what I did, it was wrong and stupid of me. I also want to follow through on my giveaway to the community, I owe you guys!
You wasted a lot of staffs time by alt evading and making people chase after you, plus you didn't even apologize to me and I was one who was directly affected by your actions. -1.
how do you mean no harm in screaming slurs that have been made to put down and dehumanise black people fuck you -1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
I am pretty sure you made another alt the other day too...... Pretty sure it was the ayjesse dude name. I honestly don’t think you are serious about this. -1 due to the previous confirmed alts and not even attempting to apologize legitimately to all the users you bugged/messed with.
(08-19-2020, 08:38 PM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote: how do you mean no harm in screaming slurs that have been made to put down and dehumanise black people fuck you -1
Yea your right that was wrong of me to do, I apologize for making you angry and still to this day for you to be angry. I can't change what I did, I can only reflect and realize the wrong I had done. Again sorry Cryptic man

(08-19-2020, 08:42 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote: I am pretty sure you made another alt the other day too...... Pretty sure it was the ayjesse dude name. I honestly don’t think you are serious about this.
I am very genuine about this, I got my computer back only just a week ago because my motherboard was fried. I have not purchased another gmod account and have no clue who did that to you and tbh I'm sorry that happened to you. Jesse I liked you on the server a lot man even if it wasn't the same back, I'm sorry for what I did.

 I really want you to be back, but I cannot allow myself to show bias on this. In terms of what you did, I think that you were an idiot and a fool to do stuff like that, and I believe that you are genuine about this request. HOWEVER, I think there still needs to be a ban of some kind. I’d like to see it get a reduction but a full unban most likely won’t happen with this request.

+0 on Unban 

+1 on a reduction
(08-19-2020, 08:25 PM)Battons Wrote: You wasted a lot of staffs time by alt evading and making people chase after you, plus you didn't even apologize to me and I was one who was directly affected by your actions. -1.
Battons wow man I apologize for not bringing you up, I knew there was one more person but I couldn't think of their name. Your right I caused a lot of unneeded chaos and bullshit man, and I'm sorry fr.
This you? -1.  I don't see a reason for you to be unbanned for a long time.
former admin2
(08-19-2020, 08:52 PM)Deadpool Wrote: This you? -1.  I don't see a reason for you to be unbanned for a long time.
I'm not sure how your interpreting this? But I genuinely was trying to report this guy because I'm Black and take offense it
(08-19-2020, 08:57 PM)earfquake3 Wrote:
(08-19-2020, 08:52 PM)Deadpool Wrote: This you? -1.  I don't see a reason for you to be unbanned for a long time.
I'm not sure how your interpreting this? But I genuinely was trying to report this guy because I'm Black and take offense it
I'm interpreting it as you got big upset when someone was being racist towards you. Then you went on to be racist and an ass yourself. Which I find funny more than anything tbh. 

Either way to add to my -1, you caused a lot of issues and alt-evaded which is why I don't think you should be unbanned.
former admin2

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