Zuboba Unban Request
Nothing much I can do but apologize a ton. I can't change the opinion of the masses, and trust me I've seen people get pardoned for worse things in a real life criminal justice system(I get there's a big difference but my point is if someone can forgive a person for murder why can't we forgive for a simple mistake over the internet?). Look I'm not trying to justify my actions at all, I admitted what I did was a big mistake but to hold it over their head for months and months is just crazy to me. I have done nothing but be nice on this post and been givin my ass handed to me on a platter. In the end though whatever happens happens man. Like I've said mulitple times before through voice chat on Gmod or even through a discord channel I've got hella love for everyone and that straight up(It's the type of man my mom taught me to be). I think every single person I run into somehow has had an impact on my life, whether it's for the better or worse. Guess what I'm trying to get at is even if I don't get unbanned I still will have the love for you all no matter what and that's on my Momma, my Soul, and my Dead Granny. Peace <3
There's probably quite a few of you looking at relatively positive testimonies from Zuboba's friends and rolling your eyes at all of them. Well, guess what? You're gonna get another one from me!

I have spent the better part of the last few months unexpectedly gaining a handful of new friends, one of whom is Zeke. In and out of TTT, he has become an absolute ride-or-die internet bro. He's a great gamer, outrageously funny, serious when he needs to be, and never one to shy away from lending a hand to a friend in need. While I'm not going to assert that "If you knew the Zuboba that I knew, you'd feel differently", I can attest that I have gotten to see a side to this man that anyone would feel privileged in having done so.

Yes, there's been an undeniable amount of frustration generated on his behalf that has caused grief for staff and players alike. The alt evasion created a lot of unnecessary work for staff and the language was definitely off-putting for new and returning players. If you don't feel like Zuboba has earned forgiveness in your eyes, I understand. No one wants to feel antagonized when they're playing video games, and no one looking after said games wants to be responsible for extra work. Zeke, like all of us, has been and should be held accountable for his actions. 

Despite all this, nothing I've heard from him or seen him do in the last few weeks and beyond is indicative of the troublemaker and jackass some of you still have in your heads. Zeke, like many of us, is just looking to kick back and have a good time. There's plenty of love in his heart to go around, arguably more now that he's seen the error of his ways. While nobody should feel obligated to forget what has happened, I would encourage all of you to position your heart towards forgiveness. Many of us should feel thankful that we haven't been defined by the worst thing we've ever done, and this hardly qualifies as that by anyone's metric.

-1 for a reduction at least, leaning towards an unban relatively soon. I wholeheartedly believe that Zuboba has demonstrably improved his ways and his behavior is becoming of someone who has learned from his mistakes. I can fully understand the staff's want to uphold their ruling or make an example out of Zuboba, but consider that you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone as passionate about trying to restore his standing in this community as he is.
Let me put it like this. The amount of alts he made were seriously over kill. I’m sure Zuboba is a fun guy like you said but the fact of the matter is he trolled and caused troubles a lot on those accounts. Not to mention the fact that he just recently made another alt according to Ethan. If he would stop making alts and have patience he would most likely have an easier time being unbanned. It might of also been easier  if he apologized to all the people he messed with while on alts in a private message or dm before making this ban appeal. Giving enough time to at least talk and apologized to those people would of made things easier and help show he is being serious.
(08-20-2020, 12:00 PM)earfquake3 Wrote: Nothing much I can do but  apologize a ton. I can't change the opinion of the masses,  and trust me I've seen people get pardoned for worse things in a real life criminal justice system(I get there's a big difference but my point is if someone can forgive a person for murder why can't we forgive for a simple mistake over the internet?). Look I'm not trying to justify my actions at all, I admitted what I did was a big mistake but to hold it over their head for months and months is just crazy to me. I have done nothing but be nice on this post and been givin my ass handed to me on a platter. In the end though whatever happens happens man. Like I've said mulitple times before through voice chat on Gmod or even through a discord channel I've got hella love for everyone and that straight up(It's the type of man my mom taught me to be). I think every single person I run into somehow has had an impact on my life, whether it's for the better or worse. Guess what I'm trying to get at is even if I don't get unbanned I still will have the love for you all no matter what and that's on my Momma, my Soul, and my Dead Granny. Peace <3
You being held accountable for your past actions is not crazy man.
(08-20-2020, 04:42 AM)Uriel\is Wrote: Zeke,

I don't know who made you post a ban appeal from us apes, but whoever made you do it deserves a spanking. I'm looking at you @".ceebeast" @Pencilvestro

In all seriousness tho, this is way too early to post it, I agree. You seem genuine that you fucked up and willing to change for the better. You reached for @dong and other higher ups on how to improve yourself and try to help yourself on getting unbanned. People need to realise that "Zuboba's alt" meme is still a thing (some ppl gonna jump on the wagon and try to meme around and i love it).

There's a lot of people that still grudges against you and I understand that. If it was me who was appealing, I would personally reach for them and try to "squash" this. This might come out as biased, I want you back in the server, I talk to you on discord everyday, from my interactions and experiences with you I know you genuine about it and feel sorry for all the harm you did. But from the offences you did, plus the recent alt you had 2 weeks ago, gonna make this case more difficult. All I can I see is a reduction at best.

So to sum this up:
+0 on unban
+1 on reduction

Why are you looking at me? My encouragement was "rather than playing on alts, rather than sitting out and not playing with your friends, make an unban appeal" a good while ago to which he said 'no.' My perspective was that if he got an unban or reduction then great, but if not then he can see what the community thinks and reflect off of that. Zeke told me that he was making an unban out of the blue the other day and I was surprised.  I avoided posting on this thread as I would be/seem biased but I gave my opinion in the staff discord which I will not be sharing on the forums nor outside of that chat.
(08-20-2020, 04:47 PM)thunderwalrusinnthebar Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 12:00 PM)earfquake3 Wrote: Nothing much I can do but  apologize a ton. I can't change the opinion of the masses,  and trust me I've seen people get pardoned for worse things in a real life criminal justice system(I get there's a big difference but my point is if someone can forgive a person for murder why can't we forgive for a simple mistake over the internet?). Look I'm not trying to justify my actions at all, I admitted what I did was a big mistake but to hold it over their head for months and months is just crazy to me. I have done nothing but be nice on this post and been givin my ass handed to me on a platter. In the end though whatever happens happens man. Like I've said mulitple times before through voice chat on Gmod or even through a discord channel I've got hella love for everyone and that straight up(It's the type of man my mom taught me to be). I think every single person I run into somehow has had an impact on my life, whether it's for the better or worse. Guess what I'm trying to get at is even if I don't get unbanned I still will have the love for you all no matter what and that's on my Momma, my Soul, and my Dead Granny. Peace <3
You being held accountable for your past actions is not crazy man.
Misinterpreting as usual but still not gonna change the fact I'm sorry so
(08-20-2020, 06:26 PM)earfquake3 Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 04:47 PM)thunderwalrusinnthebar Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 12:00 PM)earfquake3 Wrote: Nothing much I can do but  apologize a ton. I can't change the opinion of the masses,  and trust me I've seen people get pardoned for worse things in a real life criminal justice system(I get there's a big difference but my point is if someone can forgive a person for murder why can't we forgive for a simple mistake over the internet?). Look I'm not trying to justify my actions at all, I admitted what I did was a big mistake but to hold it over their head for months and months is just crazy to me. I have done nothing but be nice on this post and been givin my ass handed to me on a platter. In the end though whatever happens happens man. Like I've said mulitple times before through voice chat on Gmod or even through a discord channel I've got hella love for everyone and that straight up(It's the type of man my mom taught me to be). I think every single person I run into somehow has had an impact on my life, whether it's for the better or worse. Guess what I'm trying to get at is even if I don't get unbanned I still will have the love for you all no matter what and that's on my Momma, my Soul, and my Dead Granny. Peace <3
You being held accountable for your past actions is not crazy man.
Misinterpreting as usual but still not gonna change the fact I'm sorry so
How if you don’t mind asking are you sorry. Just the other month you weren’t so regretful but now you say you are. What exactly changed? Is it mainly the fact that you just want to hang out with your friends again? That is all well and good if so that makes me feel like you aren’t really sorry and just saying so you can hang out with your friends. Let me ask this one question. Are your truly sorry about all the trouble you have caused other people who aren’t exactly your friends? If you can answer this statement in a 100 percent truthful and honest answer with no loopholes then I am pretty sure you will be one step closer to forgiveness from other people in the server. I am not trying to offend you or anything like that but I am just trying to put this into perspective.
(08-20-2020, 03:26 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote: Let me put it like this. The amount of alts he made were seriously over kill. I’m sure Zuboba is a fun guy like you said but the fact of the matter is he trolled and caused troubles a lot on those accounts. Not to mention the fact that he just recently made another alt according to Ethan. If he would stop making alts and have patience he would most likely have an easier time being unbanned. It might of also been easier  if he apologized to all the people he messed with while on alts in a private message or dm before making this ban appeal. Giving enough time to at least talk and apologized to those people would of made things easier and help show he is being serious.
Jesse your still bringing up things that do not pertain to me. I made alts to play with my friends and not once did I troll on those alts. The only alt I trolled on was the one I got banned for in the first place which was "Dabdabby" so all these accusations you want to bring up about me are complete lies and bullshit and I honestly don't appreciate you trying to throw things on me when you have no evidence or clue about those alts being mine. All I can say is whoever is trolling on these alts needs to fucking stop because I'm getting blamed for your actions.

This image shows that I received my computer back on friday 12 days ago!!!!!!
(08-20-2020, 06:36 PM)earfquake3 Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 03:26 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote: Let me put it like this. The amount of alts he made were seriously over kill. I’m sure Zuboba is a fun guy like you said but the fact of the matter is he trolled and caused troubles a lot on those accounts. Not to mention the fact that he just recently made another alt according to Ethan. If he would stop making alts and have patience he would most likely have an easier time being unbanned. It might of also been easier  if he apologized to all the people he messed with while on alts in a private message or dm before making this ban appeal. Giving enough time to at least talk and apologized to those people would of made things easier and help show he is being serious.
Jesse your still bringing up things that do not pertain to me. I made alts to play with my friends and not once did I troll on those alts. The only alt I trolled on was the one I got banned for in the first place which was "Dabdabby" so all these accusations you want to bring up about me are complete lies and bullshit and I honestly don't appreciate you trying to throw things on me when you have no evidence or clue about those alts being mine. All I can say is whoever is trolling on these alts needs to fucking stop because I'm getting blamed for your actions.

This image shows that I received my computer back on friday 12 days ago!!!!!!
So basically using a voice changer to talk shit about staff members such as Mana isn’t trolling? Good to know..... I am literally stating the truth about what I seen happen based on other staff members confirming your alts. I am sorry that you don’t want to hear that though but I don’t know what else to tell you. These are some of the reasons as to why some people are probably not forgiving you right away. I am sorry that you are getting mad at me for this though but that is what I have noticed most of the time you got on a alt and gotten ban by another staff member for it. Why the hell would I lie about this. Honestly I think I even had that specific situation about the voice changer on the alt recorded at one point in time but I don’t know if I still have it. Had I known you would of just said I am lying I would of kept more track of it.
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