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the only d you need is daisy for tmod
Ingame Name: daisy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81733202

Time Played: 308.7 hours
[Image: adas.JPG]

When First Joined: May 6th 2020

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Time zone is GMT+4. Sleeping schedule is still messed up, so I can be on whenever. If we are talking about specifics, 8am - 12am GMT.

Rank Desired: TMOD

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community: I've been on the server almost everyday and because of this I believe I have a thorough knowledge of the rules, and I believe I'm ready to do more to help out.

Why you want to help the community: I want to help because this community is pretty great for the most part. I like the people I've met on here, and DR has become a little family to me. Since DR's been becoming a lot more active, I want to see it grow and help improve it. And I always try to help out newcomers. I hate when other players bully others for being a kid/girl, or if they're unable to b-hop and so on.

Have you been sponsored? Nope!

Have you been previously banned? Nope!

Have you previously applied for staff: Trusted

How did you find us?: list of DR servers in the gmod menu

Other: Link to my gametracker profile:
any feedback is greatly appreciated as always! <3
[Image: dinkleshitsignaturetiny.jpg]
+1 daisy is good trusted so she will be good tmod I’m sure
url=][Image: b_560x95.png][/url]
I mean of course i'm going to +1.

She's extremely active and definitely knows the rules, and checks in with the staff team if she's unsure. It's a big plus that she's on the server when the rest of us are asleep. She'll do great as Tmod.
[Image: Ban_Dink.jpg]
She's helped me a lot since I started playing DR,and she's helping everybody.She knows the rules, teaches people .

+1  I give you my full support.

Daisy has done extremely well as a trusted. She remains levelheaded and calm during situations on the server and she has never abused her powers. In all the times that I've played, if there was an issue, she's been proactive at handling things and making sure the server is a chill/fun place to play. That being said, daisy is extremely active and I don't think it's harmful to have another tmod in situations when Nicks can't get on.

I have no complaints/concerns about daisy's staffing. She's very welcoming and helpful to any newcomer on DR.
Once again im being harassed by members of the community with these d references haha

But good lord thats a lot of fucking time on server thats gotta mean something
[Image: h4r1WLO.gif]
Project Moon Games
Retired TTT Moderator
03-07-2020 ~ 11-17-2020
Unofficial Retired Murder Test-Moderator
11-06-2019 ~ 11-17-2020
+1 always friendly, knows the rules, and always handles server situations great and efficiently GL Daisy
[Image: e2d.jpg]
I've started playing more DR recently and whenever I'm on I always see you on there. You are very active and you know the rules very well. You are confident with your actions and you never fail to help the new players that come along.

[Image: aa1c5749601c5b5dd13c7abef4f49ced.gif]
Always calm in the face of trolls. I see the stuff you have to deal with from sexist to racist comments and yet you still have the calm and positive attitude. Is always active and friendly around everyone else.

+1 on that d.
[Image: Screenshot_2016-05-05-17-49-53.png]
-1 restarted too many times on animal crossing >:(

What an easy decision. There probably isn't a single person in the consistent DR, or the Dink's community that doesn't respect Daisy; she's level headed, unbiased and fair when dealing with situations, and is an influential member of the community. Give her the Test Mod position. 

It's a +1 from me; best of luck to you on your app!

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.