10-12-2020, 05:57 PM
names, CrispyBacon, Methfalconchad
SteamIDs: STEAM_0:1:48246344 , STEAM_0:1:506076105
Witnesses: NotRand, TDawg, JesseTheUndeadCowboy, Speedie
Proof: https://imgur.com/a/5QwYDmw
Reason: I literally figured out these two were ghosting my first game on, It was on community bowling, and me and speedie hadnt killed anyone, but were near a large shooting, and methfalconchad walks up and kills both of us, his friend was a T buddy on our team. the damagelogs I posted prove that. They have also been constantly RDMing if the ghosting evidence is not substantial enough. (see RDM manager screenshots)
SteamIDs: STEAM_0:1:48246344 , STEAM_0:1:506076105
Witnesses: NotRand, TDawg, JesseTheUndeadCowboy, Speedie
Proof: https://imgur.com/a/5QwYDmw
Reason: I literally figured out these two were ghosting my first game on, It was on community bowling, and me and speedie hadnt killed anyone, but were near a large shooting, and methfalconchad walks up and kills both of us, his friend was a T buddy on our team. the damagelogs I posted prove that. They have also been constantly RDMing if the ghosting evidence is not substantial enough. (see RDM manager screenshots)