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What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be?
I'm all up for a less severe teaming rule set. If it leads to some bad rule breaking then ya the rules apply, but if it is something simple like some things mentioned above where it's some banter between friends and the like no one should really care. This isn't CSGO tourny finals or anything, if something funny happens your career isn't threatened, someone wants to let a inno into a T room then whats the problem? If the Inno rdms someone with a T trap thats on the guy hitting the button. If said inno kills other T's that isn't their man letting them in and the T letting said inno in doesn't do anything else to stop it or if the T buddies are really malding that hard then ya the T could get a slay or two. Really no reason for either parties being punished unless another rule gets broken or it gets in the way of the game so badly that people get upset.

Same could be said for T equipment, if inno rdms with it then rules apply. If another T is killed with said equipment and they are sad enough then sure the T being funny could get the slay. No reason for some non discriminating super ban to be applies to both.

If someone doesn't shoot a T being a T then that should go under normal in game KOS stuff.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 12:46 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 01:00 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 04:24 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 05:06 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 05:14 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 01-30-2021, 11:19 AM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by ~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat ♣♣ - 02-03-2021, 12:05 AM

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