02-22-2021, 10:59 PM
Discord Name: synthray
What can you do to help the Discord community: I can provide late night attention to the discord, which is the time trolls (I think) usually join and offer some quick/official support to the place while the rest of the quartet is not available or at other places. I can provide some feedback on the Discord, as I wrote to the group in the past regarding the status of the Discord.
Why you want to help the Discord community: Things move straight there and so far to me it's been a good experience. Also because I've been trying to experiment and discuss some projects that would bring some benefit.
Other: It's surprisingly different: the place is somewhat more strict than TTT and I've tried stuff that never thought was worth moderating: to think I'd need to write to Disc's Trust and Safety. Also, I was considering going straight for Admin but I'm going to be conservative and get more experience under my belt. God is in the details and some spring cleaning would be nice for the place. That's why I was thinking admin: two bots are no longer active/they are dead projects; Fredboat is Staff for some reason; Auttaja has no documentation but it's still alive (not sure if looking for an alternative is good atm); some user classes may write on relays? never tried that but checking permissions on all roles might be good as well. Not sure about the ToS and Guidelines: they look nice on paper but regarding the 'DM discussing misconduct' last time I wrote someone to discuss misconduct it didn't go well.
I commited some errors and tried to fix them:
Discord ID: 767143638429204521
When First Joined(Estimate): Nov 2020
What is your age: 20
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator): Moderator
What can you do to help the Discord community: I can provide late night attention to the discord, which is the time trolls (I think) usually join and offer some quick/official support to the place while the rest of the quartet is not available or at other places. I can provide some feedback on the Discord, as I wrote to the group in the past regarding the status of the Discord.
Why you want to help the Discord community: Things move straight there and so far to me it's been a good experience. Also because I've been trying to experiment and discuss some projects that would bring some benefit.
Other: It's surprisingly different: the place is somewhat more strict than TTT and I've tried stuff that never thought was worth moderating: to think I'd need to write to Disc's Trust and Safety. Also, I was considering going straight for Admin but I'm going to be conservative and get more experience under my belt. God is in the details and some spring cleaning would be nice for the place. That's why I was thinking admin: two bots are no longer active/they are dead projects; Fredboat is Staff for some reason; Auttaja has no documentation but it's still alive (not sure if looking for an alternative is good atm); some user classes may write on relays? never tried that but checking permissions on all roles might be good as well. Not sure about the ToS and Guidelines: they look nice on paper but regarding the 'DM discussing misconduct' last time I wrote someone to discuss misconduct it didn't go well.
I commited some errors and tried to fix them:
- Didn't get evidence at first: fixed by taking screenshots beforehand for future use.
- The DR block ping: I know, I was playing with fire and I apologized. Won't happen again.