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Sunburner Hacking (Aimbot/T Reveal)
-1 on the ban, +1 on a slay for rdm.

Demos usually have no authentic way to show true ingame recoil and it looks like normal recoil to me the way his cursor bounces around. He 100% did rdm the traitor but he was most likely in a state of panic since he had just been shot at by the chewbacca skin and wasn't gonna let his "T-Buddy" to kill him because he didn't want to die.

Messages In This Thread
Sunburner Hacking (Aimbot/T Reveal) - by Dropbear - 03-14-2021, 11:47 AM
RE: Sunburner Hacking (Aimbot/T Reveal) - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 03-14-2021, 12:21 PM
RE: Sunburner Hacking (Aimbot/T Reveal) - by Damien - 03-14-2021, 01:31 PM
RE: Sunburner Hacking (Aimbot/T Reveal) - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 03-14-2021, 01:38 PM

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