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Kizzy TTT ban request
(03-14-2021, 05:43 PM)Kizzy? Wrote: You are being very bias with your evidence. I'm going to admit that I did say something racist, the last thing I'm gonna do is insist you sit there and have your terrible evidence get me banned. I NEVER directed towards anyone. Both Taylor and IVathan were clearly spouting the hard r at the entire server who I have no relations with. I in the other hand said it nonchalantly. Of course it isnt acceptable, but I'm not going to just blatantly say "White Owl you're a (Said slur)" No. Alongside with that you capturing what I said can be interpreted in many different ways. It can mean I said it at that moment and chose to type that, or say it outside of that server and chose to type that. So please make this make sense because it doesn't.

Ok so you admit to saying the n word, that still does not make it ok bud. Yeah my evidence isn't that good that's because I was all over the place figuring out how to get evidence of people saying it, you were one of them. It doesn't matter if you feel like you didn't direct it to me or not, you still said it.

Messages In This Thread
Kizzy TTT ban request - by White Owl - 03-14-2021, 05:12 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 03-14-2021, 05:14 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by White Owl - 03-14-2021, 05:22 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 03-14-2021, 05:30 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by White Owl - 03-14-2021, 05:36 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by Kizzy - 03-14-2021, 05:31 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by Kizzy - 03-14-2021, 05:43 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by White Owl - 03-14-2021, 05:44 PM
RE: Kizzy TTT ban request - by Battons - 03-14-2021, 05:46 PM

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