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Should the r word not be allowed to be said at all in the discord?
The reasoning of my warning was "offensive terms", and no other information. How is a player supposed to learn what they did wrong from this? Warning messages need to be more detailed with what message(s) of theirs violated the rules, as well as an explanation of the rule where applicable. Especially in the case where I used this word multiple times in discussing Jax's warning. However, according to the discord audit logs, only 1 instance was deleted. I am not sure which message of mine was deleted, however, so I have no clue in what context the word is allowed since some of my messages are fine and some are not.

In an attempt to clear up the rules, for myself and the rest of the people involved in the conversation I pinged the staff members who issue this warning and deleted my message and got no answer. There also seems to varying standards of enforcement among staff, this should be fixed

Messages In This Thread
Should the r word not be allowed to be said at all in the discord? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 03-14-2021, 09:02 PM
RE: Should the r word not be allowed to be said at all in the discord? - by Tedgp908 - 03-14-2021, 09:24 PM

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