04-03-2021, 10:00 AM
(04-03-2021, 12:39 AM)Russ the Stress Queen Wrote:Quote:If you are in a spot only reachable by a jet pack, you MUST be killable with a standard weapon, and by killable we mean a player without a jet pack.
(I.e. the new players must be able to see you and kill you with standard weapons; grenade is not one)
This is confusing. There is no easy way to check if a hiding spot follows this rule, and even if there was, this is still a frustrating rule, because you can have a hiding spot that you've been killed in dozens of times, but get nagged by a staff member because it's "illegal".
I don't see how the rule is confusing. Who is nagging you? Obviously you are familiar with the rule so you wouldn't hide in such a way as to hinder the game for new players thus there would be no need for anybody to be nagging you, right? I haven't heard anybody but you (in this thread) complain about this, and I don't understand where this is coming from as you haven't played on server in almost a month.
And knowing the controversy of staff and illegal spots over the years, you're always going to have 3 staff that say don't hide there, and three more that say it's okay. The rule makes sense in theory, but in practice it's confusing and frustrating.
I believe you're confusing previous staff to now. The current staff team communicates frequently when someone has a question, you of course don't see that because you are not staff.
A simple solution to this is to have a flat jump boost across the server, instead of having two "tiers" of players where one has a definite advantage over the other (i.e. jump pack and no jump pack).
Wait.. so you want to remove the possibility of people progressing to this second "tier" just so that a rule will get modified? sound excessive and unnecessary. The supposed issue you're suggesting isn't a real issue, it's extremely minor compared to other things; though I will say that you taking the time to create code to "fix" this is quite impressive and I feel that energy could really go to better places than a Gmod server where as you said "since this basically has a zero percent chance of happening" .
The fact that we even NEED this rule basically says people without a jump pack that just joined are going to be crap at the game until they buy one, so we need to restrict the people that DO have the jump pack as a result.
I highly disagree, I've witness MANY players without a jump pack be very proficient at hiding/hunting. Once they got a jump pack it definitely changed to being even better of a prop/hunter because they could think more vertical. The jump pack doesn't increase your skill, just as a novice painter with a high quality paint and canvas doesn't become a master painter just because the tools they have; it's the vision they carry and the passion in their heart.
Basically, not having the jump pack and replacing it with a flat jump rate makes illegal spot rules less frustrating, and makes the experience of a new* player much less frustrating, because they're on the same playing field as everyone else.
*new means new to the server, not new to the game. I could have played 4,000 hours of prophunt on a different server, but joined THIS server yesterday, and I will not be able to play as well as others because I don't have points for the jump pack.
I don't know why you say "less frustrating" when you literally don't have to worry about it. You're a Donor, not staff. You don't have to enforce any rules, but you choose to then you make threads about things you are tired of or that frustrate you. This is not me attacking you, this is the observations I have made over the past several months and reading SEVERAL of your Novel posts about things you want changed.
Your passion for the servers/community is noted. I honestly feel you could take all this energy and put it to better use. It takes weeks if not months to get any new thing implemented here, and that's if it's a major issue not something minor like a jump pack modification.