08-07-2021, 04:12 PM
Going to remain neutral but this is somewhat of an odd app to me (no disrespect intended), and I'll explain why. I speak as just a member of the discord, not someone who staffs/moderates for it in any way, but as someone who just hangs out there, I see you very little, especially in something like the TTT channel. This strikes me as, again, odd as you moderate for TTT and one would expect that you'd also have good activity/participation both there and in the discord in general (which again, I haven't seen). Do you plan to be more active in the discord going forwards? When do you think you'd be available? Part of helping out in the discord is not just tuning in once every week or two, but also actively participating in it. That's my view on what you could work on in future. Anyways, good luck with the app.