09-15-2021, 01:42 PM
Best i got is this one time me and some friends were walking somewhere and were throwing snowballs at eachother from across the street when i throw a snowball and this bitch stops her car in the middle of the road and pulls down her window to then get socked in the face with a snowball i don't know what god's plan is but this day it was sure as hell against me. She then gets out of her car while its still in the middle of the road and then pulls out her phone so i hide my face in my coat as we continue walking i assume she starts recording me, we then ask her to stop recording me and then she says "I'm not recording you I'm taking pictures of the snow" yet i take a small peek she has her phone camera still directly staring at me eventually she screwed off and got back into her car which she then followed us in until we juts stayed in a laundry mat until we didn't see her car or her anymore.
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