09-26-2022, 08:36 AM
In case this appeal is rejected, I’d like to provide a friendly suggestion for your next one. Appeals that are accepted are usually those that address the reason(s) they were banned and promise to make an effort not to continue that behavior in the future. Here is a list of the infractions you may want to consider addressing:
Slurs x2
Baiting/Inciting drama x3
On top of that, because you seem to forget your User ID almost any time you make an appeal, here is the the basic necessary information:
Your User ID: 885536680998760500
Auttaja Punishment ID: 994218082172944
Slurs x2
Baiting/Inciting drama x3
On top of that, because you seem to forget your User ID almost any time you make an appeal, here is the the basic necessary information:
Your User ID: 885536680998760500
Auttaja Punishment ID: 994218082172944