10-13-2022, 08:29 AM
theres a lot of haters in this plat form that want to talk down to a lot of people but thats okay because honestly the haters are just in a bad space mentally and i think they can work thorough it if they just commit hard enough to being better. and if you are being targeted for harassment by the haters and bullyjerks: just remember to keep your svvag because the haters get mad at success and need to learn to let go of their hater rage and frustration before they can really accumulate there own svvag. every one can have svvag, but you have to first fill your heart with love because we are all gamers here and us gamers can only really rely on each other. and being a hater doesnt get you any svvag. gamers, even if they dont agree all belong to one big gamer family and sometimes families have fights but sometimes fighting is healthy but not to much fighting because then everyone is just upset all the time. we are gamers living in a society.