10-13-2022, 07:48 PM
You’re gonna get accepted so a plus 1 from me isn’t even needed.
Just remember our conversations we’ve had before. Before anything else always remember to have fun yourself! When staffing becomes such a struggle due to hardly forcing yourself to get on due to being burnt out is when you need to remember it’s ok to take breaks. Whenever ya need some time off you’ll always have a someone else able to pick up some slack while you’re gone
Like Dong said, just remember to always treat a situation as it occurs and in the moment, as opposed to a strict forcing of the rule book.
You already do great, just keep doing what you’re doing :)
You’re gonna get accepted so a plus 1 from me isn’t even needed.
Just remember our conversations we’ve had before. Before anything else always remember to have fun yourself! When staffing becomes such a struggle due to hardly forcing yourself to get on due to being burnt out is when you need to remember it’s ok to take breaks. Whenever ya need some time off you’ll always have a someone else able to pick up some slack while you’re gone
Like Dong said, just remember to always treat a situation as it occurs and in the moment, as opposed to a strict forcing of the rule book.
You already do great, just keep doing what you’re doing :)