11-02-2022, 04:33 PM
Update: Here's the video of ExperienceOrb slurring. This was after the whole incident of me and @Damien muting and gagging him for multiple instances of saying "tranny" with him stating and asking why he can't, it's freedom of speech, yada yada ya. He constantly kept bringing up the topic by trying to insert it with, "is your t**** fluid low," which was screenshotted by Damien and did not give up on the topic 2-3 or 4 maps later. This is one example but I could not find any other instance of him pushing the topic as I deleted it last night while going through a bunch of reports of other individuals. :/
ExperienceOrb slurring in chat after telling him multiple times to drop the subject and continued on.
ExperienceOrb slurring in chat after telling him multiple times to drop the subject and continued on.