01-13-2023, 09:50 PM
I don't know what I could say about this, especially since I'm newer and joined this server around sometime late last year, but I pretty much agree with what everyone has said here. I would also add a fix for the flashlight if possible. When you die as a hunter with it on, it's impossible to turn it off, and as I frequently come across ghosters, cheaters, hackers, etc. it's a little hard to convey that it's my flashlight when I record and spectate them trying to prove they don't even use the flashlight, they just know where props are without trying. As for a new co-owner, I don't really have suggestions for that, I however wouldn't mind if there is a change to ranks just to help when trusted and staff aren't on or are not able to get on right away. I know a few regulars, including myself, are willing to gag mic spammers, kick obvious cheaters, etc. but I also understand if no one wants that change made. I'm just not in a position to apply for staff and work part-time in keeping the server in check, even though I wouldn't mind helping out when I do get on to play. I wish you the best of luck in implementing these changes!!