03-12-2023, 01:09 AM
Your Discord Username: Kaiwan#7953
Your Discord User ID: 210602240732299264
Ban Length: Permanent
Appeal Type: Unban
Previous Unban Requests: None
What would you like to tell us: After racking up multiple warnings in a short amount of time staff discretion was used to issue me a permanent ban for my behavior in the Discord server. I've taken some time since then to decide if I actually wanted anything to do with this community. After deliberating I have realized there are enough people that I enjoy interacting with that I do want to return. I've already begun playing on the TTT server again after taking a break, and I would like to be able to talk to the people in Dinkelberg's that frequent it as well.
I know that I've had a rocky history with starting arguments despite the constant warnings I've been given for it. I've got a loud mouth and no filter, so I can't promise that it will never happen again. I do, however, guarantee that I'll behave more appropriately if I am unbanned.
Your Discord User ID: 210602240732299264
Ban Length: Permanent
Appeal Type: Unban
Previous Unban Requests: None
What would you like to tell us: After racking up multiple warnings in a short amount of time staff discretion was used to issue me a permanent ban for my behavior in the Discord server. I've taken some time since then to decide if I actually wanted anything to do with this community. After deliberating I have realized there are enough people that I enjoy interacting with that I do want to return. I've already begun playing on the TTT server again after taking a break, and I would like to be able to talk to the people in Dinkelberg's that frequent it as well.
I know that I've had a rocky history with starting arguments despite the constant warnings I've been given for it. I've got a loud mouth and no filter, so I can't promise that it will never happen again. I do, however, guarantee that I'll behave more appropriately if I am unbanned.