06-08-2017, 05:13 PM
<Disclaimer> My R key is extremely unresponsive, some words may not have any Rs in them.
So we were all playing on 67th_way_mc. @"SunB☀☀ty" reported someone for blocking the T room door so he could get in without the T getting out. I didn't know whethe to count that as an exploit o not, so I efained fom doing anything until I get an answe fom hee.
So we were all playing on 67th_way_mc. @"SunB☀☀ty" reported someone for blocking the T room door so he could get in without the T getting out. I didn't know whethe to count that as an exploit o not, so I efained fom doing anything until I get an answe fom hee.
Watching your C4 at 0:05 like