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(serious)Mental Health awareness PSA
Hi everyone.

I know today is April fools day, but the present is always a better time to do the things we ought to do than "later".

that being said, some tragic events happened at my university and in my personal life, and it reminded me that mental health is a real thing that people have to be cognizant of, as well as to recognize that life can at times feel insurmountable, and that sometimes, it can seem hopeless.

This time of year can be particularly hard for people in schools, as this is midterms season. Also, its hard because seasons are changing.

Time moves on and waits for nobody. Make sure you talk to your loved ones. Sometimes, this advice is ignored and leads to tragic results. 

Most importantly, if you feel like there is no hope, that there is no end to your suffering, you don't have to go at it alone. talk to someone. Tell someone. 

People around you care about you, often times more than you realize.

please, if you need help this season, please say something to someone.

thank you.

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(serious)Mental Health awareness PSA - by BIIG_SAD - 04-01-2024, 05:16 PM

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