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(serious)Mental Health awareness PSA
Got told over the weekend my cousin tried to od on meds.....shes a freshman in high school....and it was devastating to find that out. This stuff isnt a joke like proper said a permanent solution to a temp problem. Keeping your loved ones close is so important and im grateful for the family I have because I struggle at keeping and making friendships. I dont share this for pity or anything but Ive had those thoughts too. People will know if your gone. Your life does matter even if you as a person might not think that I am telling whoever reads this that it does <3
[Image: 46713d688f8087b1f2d3b92a79d7afea.png]

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RE: (serious)Mental Health awareness PSA - by J@CK XDDD - 04-01-2024, 09:43 PM

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