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(serious)Mental Health awareness PSA
I loved reading and seeing how aware you are, and that's one of the best qualities we can have in this life. Many things happen fast in our lives and those of the people around us. Speaking from my experience of more than 4 years in college, I can tell you that I, at my age, am quite mature compared to others of the same age. My friends are usually older, and so is my boyfriend, I feel like they are more aware and take life in a softer and calmer way. It's about connecting with our inner selves and healing wounds that keep us from thriving and being happy! I am a very sensitive being with a lot of mediumship... I am 23 years old and spirituality has been helping me on my way. I think it's also important to have faith, especially since things are getting very difficult sometimes. Everyone has their own journey here on earth, and it's nice to connect with people who are similar to you and choose them as your friends. The struggle is daily, and every day is a new beginning. There is no stumbling when taking flight in life.

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RE: (serious)Mental Health awareness PSA - by Lexxx yes, and? - 04-02-2024, 07:57 PM

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