As I've mentioned to you as well, you just came back from a most recent break. You've been fairly active within the forums, but not the server. You have at least 12 days of activity since you've returned from your break. I'd recommend really upping the amount of time you spend on the server a lil more before really considering applying. Not many are going to be promoted if in the same situation as you regarding coming back from break.
Otherwise, you're very helpful at times and actively handle ban requests. But you need to get your time /activity at a stable consistent time for us to really put your app into consideration. My only recommendation at this time is to get more consistent time after your break.
Until then, I cannot support your app. Get your time up and reapply in a few weeks to a month.
Otherwise, you're very helpful at times and actively handle ban requests. But you need to get your time /activity at a stable consistent time for us to really put your app into consideration. My only recommendation at this time is to get more consistent time after your break.
Until then, I cannot support your app. Get your time up and reapply in a few weeks to a month.