04-14-2024, 02:59 AM
not going to say too much, but absolute shame on you for sympathizing with chief. I don’t have any words for that, not nice ones at least. Also, as the self-proclaimed “lead investigator” it is extremely concerning to me that you would downplay an anonymous report and call it shady. A minor wanting to remain anonymous or not reveal themselves must be a crazy concept somehow. But no, it was manipulative and clearly her fault for wanting to protect herself. Also saying she is guilty of knowingly engaging in inappropriate conversation with a child predator is crazy to me lol. I can’t believe you want to die on this hill of blaming a child, but you do you. This is just utterly disgusting and insanely delusional, screw you dude.
(04-14-2024, 02:31 AM)VolfVoss Wrote:Nvm, I will add something. This is just pathetic to say it's a thing of the past. It's becoming more clear that it is now being brought up to right a wrong. You also act like victims don't come out (or fully share their side) much later, decades even in real life. So it should not be a surprise that someone is doing so now. Not a "dead horse." Grow up and get a grip on reality, Mr. "lead investigator."That is how I see it, and will be the end of my discussion on this very old topic.I won't be replying to any of your comments/questions/concerns with how this was handled 2 years ago, as it's in the past and should have honestly stayed there.Times are different now and majority of the team involved in all the pedo punishing's during this time are gone.Let the dead horse die.