04-15-2024, 10:54 PM
Hey big sad, honestly I think you need more time to settle yourself before becoming an admin. I constantly see your farewell posts about leaving for a while or being too busy with life stuff, not to say taking time away is bad, but if you are so busy I do not know if that means you are the admin needed for the position. I also agree with others that you need to take more time to get informed on subjects before commenting on them. A lot of your posts on things include that you don't know much, but want to leave a small review with a very stern opinion. This makes you come off as aggressive or abrasive and sometimes not to be rude, but kinda dumb. For the abrasiveness I leave this advice: communicating is difficult and in your mind, it may sound very clear like you were just saying something you felt was normal or in a soft/joking tone, but online when someone else reads it you cannot always tell how they will read a message. For the uninformed comments, I just recommend taking more time before responding to things. This may be an online gmod community so things come and go quickly, but IMO when posting opinions on situations it is better to be late and informed rather than early and wrong. Good luck and take me with a grain of salt since I don't know you well and don't play prop hunt.