06-04-2024, 10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2024, 02:30 PM by Jammin. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: Added another positive not mentioned earlier
Disclaimer, i didn't do any research into the following, and may have missed something. Please don't ping me on discord with things I missed, because my overwhelming emotion towards this community is apathy.
I'm going to remain without a vote, simply because I haven't played in such a long time, and probably won't for a long time. Because of this, I have no way to know whether your historically annoying trolling, trolling that was really unfunny and just ruined the community experience for those around you, has ceased since your return to the community.
I know of your behavior well enough to give a past perspective on your activities, and I can vouch that there really are no outside issues, that I know of, outside of your massive trolling history. Despite having differing opinions on recent, well, 'happenings' in the community, I didn't see any comments of actual malice/anything outside of opinions I disagreed with - none of which I feel should preclude you from staffing.
To summarize the above, other than trolling, I don't have any evidence/examples of behavior of concern. With all due respect to the recent forum post concern, I feel that is reaching a bit to bring that one comment up. It isn't exactly 'good' but i've seen a hell of a lot worse from staff here.
All of that aside, I feel your trolling alone is enough to disqualify you from staffing, should the trolling of the past continue to be active. There's fun trolling, like the occasional funny kill with the M16 or planting a body bomb in a crowd, then there's fun ruining trolling and frustrating trolling, such as borderline teaming and being a dick in general.
I'll provide some examples of historical occurrences that would discourage my support:
1. Past trolling of PropHunt: In general you were rude and disrespectful to the PropHunt staff team in discord - to the point that discord staff had permanently restricted you from the prophunt channel prior to me taking on the discord admin role in 2021. When you requested another chance, I removed the PH chat restriction, only for you to openly criticize the PH staff team because they weren't able to respond to a staff ping. Your incitement of drama on numerous occasions within that channel was nothing short of frustrating to the PH staff team as well as my discord staff team during that time, and you ended up getting your restriction of PH readded. You had similar behavior in Murder, including using the murder chat to get unrestricted from DR by pinging me, rather than DMing me or using the systems in place at the time.
2. Past trolling in TTT: TTT is effectively mafia with guns, right? AmongUs with more skill than just a kill button. There's a complex strategy involved that makes the game more interesting to some than a simple FPS. Actions to subvert the game mechanics can really ruin the gaming experience for some players, and I see ruining the gaming experience of other players as a negative factor in the consideration for becoming a staff member. A specific interaction I had with you recently involved your desire to break the traitor tester, move a portable tester out of bounds, and then cry about getting killed for it. If you don't want to traitor test then don't test, but going out of your way to assist the other team in completing their objective is trolling at best and borderline teaming at worse. Sure, we don't consider that a rule violation, but subverting the objective of the game isn't what i'd expect from a staff member.
Also, if you are going to troll by doing KOSable things, don't cry about it to the person who kills you for doing it. DMing me to "get some bitches" because you couldn't handle the consequences of your own actions kinda kills the vibe a bit. Sure, these are light examples and not really warnable offenses, but also not exactly representative of what the staff community of TTT would want. It's the principle of the thing.
3. Ability to staff: There's no evidence, so far as I can tell, that you even know how to enforce the rules, punishments, etc. There are no ban requests, legitimate staff pings, nor Dm reports that I can see. The only report i've ever found you to file is here - which was a fraudulent staff abuse report that you refused to provide evidence for. There's no evidence that you have the ability to capture/record video, capture screen evidence, file ban requests/abuse reports, and report/log evidence as necessary. The most you'd be useful for is RDM reports, which you indicated is the main reason you wanted to become staff, but trusted has more responsibility than that. There's an expectation that as a staff member, you would actually staff when online. There's not a shred of evidence that i've found that you've ever contributed to the staff team anything other than headaches.
To be clear - I'm not voting, and these opinions should be taken with a grain of salt as I haven't played with Tea since like January of this year (when the traitor tester incident happened). But, I will hope that the TTT admin team really considers all the ramifications of allowing someone with this well established history of trolling access to the entire punishment history of various persons available in the staff discord.
I want to end this on a positive note, as I want to be objective as much as I can be. Some things i'd note about tea:
- Tea is active on the server and generally promotes a fun atmosphere
- Tea is a longstanding Dinks community member who has a lengthy and established presence here
- Tea's trolling is generally harmless at best and annoying at worst. I haven't seen any time where the trolling turned into targeting/harassment (though i didn't look that hard)
- Tea appears to be somewhat serious about joining staff, given that they filled out the TTT scenarios and made a seemingly serious application
- Tea gave a reasonable reason for wanting to join (to handle RDM reports when staff offline) and likely knows the rules well
- Tea has no problem with doing God's work in RDMing admins currently on the server
I wish you the best of luck with this application, Tea.
I'm going to remain without a vote, simply because I haven't played in such a long time, and probably won't for a long time. Because of this, I have no way to know whether your historically annoying trolling, trolling that was really unfunny and just ruined the community experience for those around you, has ceased since your return to the community.
I know of your behavior well enough to give a past perspective on your activities, and I can vouch that there really are no outside issues, that I know of, outside of your massive trolling history. Despite having differing opinions on recent, well, 'happenings' in the community, I didn't see any comments of actual malice/anything outside of opinions I disagreed with - none of which I feel should preclude you from staffing.
To summarize the above, other than trolling, I don't have any evidence/examples of behavior of concern. With all due respect to the recent forum post concern, I feel that is reaching a bit to bring that one comment up. It isn't exactly 'good' but i've seen a hell of a lot worse from staff here.
All of that aside, I feel your trolling alone is enough to disqualify you from staffing, should the trolling of the past continue to be active. There's fun trolling, like the occasional funny kill with the M16 or planting a body bomb in a crowd, then there's fun ruining trolling and frustrating trolling, such as borderline teaming and being a dick in general.
I'll provide some examples of historical occurrences that would discourage my support:
1. Past trolling of PropHunt: In general you were rude and disrespectful to the PropHunt staff team in discord - to the point that discord staff had permanently restricted you from the prophunt channel prior to me taking on the discord admin role in 2021. When you requested another chance, I removed the PH chat restriction, only for you to openly criticize the PH staff team because they weren't able to respond to a staff ping. Your incitement of drama on numerous occasions within that channel was nothing short of frustrating to the PH staff team as well as my discord staff team during that time, and you ended up getting your restriction of PH readded. You had similar behavior in Murder, including using the murder chat to get unrestricted from DR by pinging me, rather than DMing me or using the systems in place at the time.
2. Past trolling in TTT: TTT is effectively mafia with guns, right? AmongUs with more skill than just a kill button. There's a complex strategy involved that makes the game more interesting to some than a simple FPS. Actions to subvert the game mechanics can really ruin the gaming experience for some players, and I see ruining the gaming experience of other players as a negative factor in the consideration for becoming a staff member. A specific interaction I had with you recently involved your desire to break the traitor tester, move a portable tester out of bounds, and then cry about getting killed for it. If you don't want to traitor test then don't test, but going out of your way to assist the other team in completing their objective is trolling at best and borderline teaming at worse. Sure, we don't consider that a rule violation, but subverting the objective of the game isn't what i'd expect from a staff member.
Also, if you are going to troll by doing KOSable things, don't cry about it to the person who kills you for doing it. DMing me to "get some bitches" because you couldn't handle the consequences of your own actions kinda kills the vibe a bit. Sure, these are light examples and not really warnable offenses, but also not exactly representative of what the staff community of TTT would want. It's the principle of the thing.
3. Ability to staff: There's no evidence, so far as I can tell, that you even know how to enforce the rules, punishments, etc. There are no ban requests, legitimate staff pings, nor Dm reports that I can see. The only report i've ever found you to file is here - which was a fraudulent staff abuse report that you refused to provide evidence for. There's no evidence that you have the ability to capture/record video, capture screen evidence, file ban requests/abuse reports, and report/log evidence as necessary. The most you'd be useful for is RDM reports, which you indicated is the main reason you wanted to become staff, but trusted has more responsibility than that. There's an expectation that as a staff member, you would actually staff when online. There's not a shred of evidence that i've found that you've ever contributed to the staff team anything other than headaches.
To be clear - I'm not voting, and these opinions should be taken with a grain of salt as I haven't played with Tea since like January of this year (when the traitor tester incident happened). But, I will hope that the TTT admin team really considers all the ramifications of allowing someone with this well established history of trolling access to the entire punishment history of various persons available in the staff discord.
I want to end this on a positive note, as I want to be objective as much as I can be. Some things i'd note about tea:
- Tea is active on the server and generally promotes a fun atmosphere
- Tea is a longstanding Dinks community member who has a lengthy and established presence here
- Tea's trolling is generally harmless at best and annoying at worst. I haven't seen any time where the trolling turned into targeting/harassment (though i didn't look that hard)
- Tea appears to be somewhat serious about joining staff, given that they filled out the TTT scenarios and made a seemingly serious application
- Tea gave a reasonable reason for wanting to join (to handle RDM reports when staff offline) and likely knows the rules well
- Tea has no problem with doing God's work in RDMing admins currently on the server
I wish you the best of luck with this application, Tea.
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord: discord.gg/dinks