(06-11-2024, 07:47 PM)voidzz Wrote: maps to add back-Your post made me think about Achievements that can be added to PS2. I've seen a few places have achievements to where after accomplishing it, you had specific prizes. (Crates, Weapon Skins, Points, Etc). The addon for PS2 Achievements is free so it shouldn't be super difficult. The battlepass just needed the adjustments for prizes and implementation.
wintermansion (for sure)
remove summermansion garbage
t/d items or guns- blink for both? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...text=blink ----- could cause issues w exploiting but fun item
bio ball- silly little infected wep that can spread w punches, maybe disable spreading w punches if considered too op? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...t=bio+ball
thunder thighs? - allows for fast travel, very loud and clearly special wep https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...=873054472
intervention, make it be like the rifle w maybe like 40 body damage but higher rate of fire and super loud? unsure if theres a steam workshop link for this. m24 rarity bc high rate of fire
jetpack- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...tt+jetpack
ik im suggesting a lot of movement shit but maybe one or two would be nice, pulse cannon underutilized imo
general concepts- daily quests with rewards, or global server contracts such as top 5 people at end of 24h with most x (variable here, sniper, t wep, etc) kills get certain rewards 1-5
dinklepass finish up last reward and get it added in
also unsure if plausible, some sort of in game market where people can post things then have them set at a price for others to buy? dont think any of this is possible in ps2 but could be wrong
unsure if separate from dinklepass, but some form of leveling system that people can check (either themselves or server global one) based on exp for kills etc
this is all i have rn but i will think of more
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